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How to do a recursive LINQ query?





I have a recursive data structure, such as linked list:

class Node
    private Node next;
    private int data;

    // (...)
    public Node Next
            return next;

    public int Data
            return data;

I'd like to make a LINQ query, which starts from the head of the list and then goes through the elements, collecting data on the fly. How to do that?

like image 375
Spook Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 00:03


2 Answers

Here are two helper classes I us to parse all the nodes in a TreeView control.

You might be inspired by how the yield keyword is used to adapt it for your needs.

internal static IEnumerable<TreeNode> Descendants(this TreeNodeCollection c)
    foreach (var node in c.OfType<TreeNode>())
        yield return node;

        foreach (var child in node.Nodes.Descendants())
            yield return child;

For example:

var allCheckedNodes = myTreeView.Nodes.Descendants().Where(c => c.Checked);
like image 77
Larry Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 14:03


It's difficult to traverse arbitrary complex data-structures with just simple LINQ queries. At some point, you'll have to 'cut your losses' and write iterator blocks yourself - possibly only for the parts that are hard to express with standard LINQ.

That said, for your linked list example, with moreLinq, you can do:

MoreEnumerable.Generate(head, node => node.Next)
              .TakeWhile(node => node != null)

If you want recursive LINQ tree traversal (or similar), it would be quite different, but here's a sample (depth-first):

private static IEnumerable<Node> GetNodeAndDescendants(Node node)
   return new[] { node }.Concat(node.Children.SelectMany(GetNodeAndDescendants));
like image 27
Ani Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 12:03
