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How to display scroll bar onto a html table

I am writing a page where I need an html table to maintain a set size. I need the headers at the top of the table to stay there at all times but I also need the body of the table to scroll no matter how many rows are added to the table.

I want it to look like method 2 in this url: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menu/tablescroll.html

I have tried doing this but no scrollbar appears:

tbody {   height: 80em;   overflow: scroll; }
<table border=1 id="qandatbl" align="center">   <tr>     <th class="col1">Question No</th>     <th class="col2">Option Type</th>     <th class="col1">Duration</th>   </tr>    <tbody>     <tr>       <td class='qid'></td>       <td class="options"></td>       <td class="duration"></td>     </tr>   </tbody> </table>
like image 355
BruceyBandit Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 19:11


People also ask

How do I add a scrollbar to a table in HTML?

Suppose we want to add a scroll bar option in HTML, use an “overflow” option and set it as auto-enabled for adding both horizontal and vertical scroll bars. If we want to add a vertical bar option in Html, add the line “overflow-y” in the files.

How do I show the scrollbar in HTML?

To show the scrollbars always on the webpage, use overflow: scroll Property. It will add both horizontal and vertical scrollbars to the webpage. To add only horizontal scrollbar use overflow-x: scroll property and for vertical scrollbar use overflow-y: scroll property.

How do I add a scrollbar to a table cell?

The easiest way is to put inside your cell a div filling it and set its overflow style property. If you want the scrollbar to be always visible, even when the content isn't cropped, replace auto with scroll in the CSS.

How do I make my table body scrollable in HTML?

We set the height of the table element to 120px to make restrict the height of it so we can make it scrollable. To make it scrollable, we set the overflow CSS property to scroll . Then we set the tr elements in the thead to absolute position so they stay in place.

1 Answers

Something like this?


The idea is to wrap the <table> in a non-statically positioned <div> which has an overflow:auto CSS property. Then position the elements in the <thead> absolutely.

#table-wrapper {    position:relative;  }  #table-scroll {    height:150px;    overflow:auto;      margin-top:20px;  }  #table-wrapper table {    width:100%;    }  #table-wrapper table * {    background:yellow;    color:black;  }  #table-wrapper table thead th .text {    position:absolute;       top:-20px;    z-index:2;    height:20px;    width:35%;    border:1px solid red;  }
<div id="table-wrapper">    <div id="table-scroll">      <table>          <thead>              <tr>                  <th><span class="text">A</span></th>                  <th><span class="text">B</span></th>                  <th><span class="text">C</span></th>              </tr>          </thead>          <tbody>            <tr> <td>1, 0</td> <td>2, 0</td> <td>3, 0</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 1</td> <td>2, 1</td> <td>3, 1</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 2</td> <td>2, 2</td> <td>3, 2</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 3</td> <td>2, 3</td> <td>3, 3</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 4</td> <td>2, 4</td> <td>3, 4</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 5</td> <td>2, 5</td> <td>3, 5</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 6</td> <td>2, 6</td> <td>3, 6</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 7</td> <td>2, 7</td> <td>3, 7</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 8</td> <td>2, 8</td> <td>3, 8</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 9</td> <td>2, 9</td> <td>3, 9</td> </tr>            <tr> <td>1, 10</td> <td>2, 10</td> <td>3, 10</td> </tr>            <!-- etc... -->            <tr> <td>1, 99</td> <td>2, 99</td> <td>3, 99</td> </tr>          </tbody>      </table>    </div>  </div>
like image 200
Richard JP Le Guen Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Richard JP Le Guen