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Prevent a flex items height from expanding to match other flex items





I have two elements inside a container, which are being side-by-side by using flex box. On the second element (.flexbox-2), I am setting it's height in the CSS. However, then the first element (.flexbox-1) will match the height of .flexbox-2. How would I stop .flexbox-1 from matching the height of .flexbox-2, and instead just retain its natural height?

Here is what I have so far (also available as a jsFiddle)

.container {    display: -webkit-flex;    -webkit-flex-direction: row;  }  .flexbox-1 {    -webkit-flex: 1;    border: solid 3px red;  }  .flexbox-2 {    -webkit-flex: 2;    border: solid 3px blue;    height: 200px;    margin-left: 10px;  }
<div class="container">    <div class="flexbox-1">.flexbox-1</div>    <div class="flexbox-2">.flexbox-2</div>  </div>
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Tom Oakley Avatar asked Dec 20 '14 00:12

Tom Oakley

People also ask

How do I stop my flexbox from growing?

By default, the child elements of a flexbox container will stretch vertically to fill the height of the container. This can be prevented by using the align-self property on the child element that you do not want to stretch.

How do I make my flex element not shrink?

default flex-shrink: 1; If there's not enough space available in the container's main axis, the element will shrink by a factor of 1, and will wrap its content. flex-shrink: 0; The element will not shrink: it will retain the width it needs, and not wrap its content.

Video Answer

1 Answers

I know this is an old question but a better solution is to set the flex item to align to the top using flex-start.

/* Default Styles */  .container {    display: flex;  }  .flexbox-2 {    flex: 2;    border: solid 3px blue;    height: 200px;    margin-left: 10px;  }   .flexbox-1 {    flex: 1;      align-self: flex-start;      border: solid 3px red;  }
<div class="container">    <div class="flexbox-1">"align-self: flex-start;"</div>    <div class="flexbox-2">.flexbox-2</div>  </div>
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Aaron Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10
