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Make Div overlay ENTIRE page (not just viewport)?




So I have a problem that I think is quite common but I have yet to find a good solution for. I want to make an overlay div cover the ENTIRE page... NOT just the viewport. I don't understand why this is so hard to do... I've tried setting body, html heights to 100% etc but that isn't working. Here is what I have so far:

<html> <head>     <style type="text/css">     .OverLay { position: absolute; z-index: 3; opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity = 50); top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: Black; color: White;}     body { height: 100%; }     html { height: 100%; }     </style> </head>  <body>     <div style="height: 100%; width: 100%; position: relative;">         <div style="height: 100px; width: 300px; background-color: Red;">         </div>         <div style="height: 230px; width: 9000px; background-color: Green;">         </div>         <div style="height: 900px; width: 200px; background-color: Blue;"></div>         <div class="OverLay">TestTest!</div>     </div>       </body> </html>  

I'd also be open to a solution in JavaScript if one exists, but I'd much rather just be using some simple CSS.

like image 330
Polaris878 Avatar asked May 17 '10 19:05


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Make the browser window fullscreen On a Windows computer, you can set Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox to full-screen mode, hiding the toolbars and address bar by pressing the F11 key. To reverse this action and show these items again, press F11 again.

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By using a div with style z-index:1; and position: absolute; you can overlay your div on any other div . z-index determines the order in which divs 'stack'. A div with a higher z-index will appear in front of a div with a lower z-index . Note that this property only works with positioned elements.

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Add position:fixed . Then the cover is fixed over the whole screen, also when you scroll. And add maybe also margin: 0; padding:0; so it wont have some space's around the cover.

Video Answer

1 Answers

The viewport is all that matters, but you likely want the entire website to stay darkened even while scrolling. For this, you want to use position:fixed instead of position:absolute. Fixed will keep the element static on the screen as you scroll, giving the impression that the entire body is darkened.

Example: http://jsbin.com/okabo3/edit

div.fadeMe {   opacity:    0.5;    background: #000;    width:      100%;   height:     100%;    z-index:    10;   top:        0;    left:       0;    position:   fixed;  } 
<body>   <div class="fadeMe"></div>   <p>A bunch of content here...</p> </body> 
like image 115
Sampson Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
