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How to determine the true data type of an NSNumber?

Consider this code:

NSNumber* interchangeId = dict[@"interchangeMarkerLogId"];
long long llValue = [interchangeId longLongValue];
double dValue = [interchangeId doubleValue];
NSNumber* doubleId = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:dValue];
long long llDouble = [doubleId longLongValue];
if (llValue > 1000000) {
    NSLog(@"Have Marker iD = %@,  interchangeId = %@, long long value = %lld, doubleNumber = %@, doubleAsLL = %lld, CType = %s, longlong = %s", self.iD, interchangeId, llValue, doubleId, llDouble, [interchangeId objCType], @encode(long long));

The results:

Have Marker iD = (null), interchangeId = 635168520811866143, long long value = 635168520811866143, doubleNumber = 6.351685208118661e+17, doubleAsLL = 635168520811866112, CType = d, longlong = q

dict is coming from NSJSONSerialization, and the original JSON source data is "interchangeId":635168520811866143. It appears that all 18 digits of the value have been captured in the NSNumber, so it could not possibly have been accumulated by NSJSONSerialization as a double (which is limited to 16 decimal digits). Yet, objCType is reporting that it's a double.

We find this in the documentation for NSNumber: "The returned type does not necessarily match the method the receiver was created with." So apparently this is a "feechure" (i.e., documented bug).

So how can I determine that this value originated as an integer and not a floating point value, so I can extract it correctly, with all the available precision? (Keep in mind that I have some other values that are legitimately floating-point, and I need to extract those accurately as well.)

I've come up with two solutions so far:

The first, which does not make use of knowledge of NSDecimalNumber --

NSString* numberString = [obj stringValue];
BOOL fixed = YES;
for (int i = 0; i < numberString.length; i++) {
    unichar theChar = [numberString characterAtIndex:i];
    if (theChar != '-' && (theChar < '0' || theChar > '9')) {
        fixed = NO;

The second, which assumes that we only need worry about NSDecimalNumber objects, and can trust the CType results from regular NSNumbers --

if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSDecimalNumber class]]) {
    // Need to determine if integer or floating-point.  NSDecimalNumber is a subclass of NSNumber, but it always reports it's type as double.
    NSDecimal decimalStruct = [obj decimalValue];
    // The decimal value is usually "compact", so may have a positive exponent even if integer (due to trailing zeros).  "Length" is expressed in terms of 4-digit halfwords.
    if (decimalStruct._exponent >= 0 && decimalStruct._exponent + 4 * decimalStruct._length < 20) {
        sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, idx, [obj longLongValue]);            
    else {
        sqlite3_bind_double(pStmt, idx, [obj doubleValue]);           
else ... handle regular NSNumber by testing CType.

The second should be more efficient, especially since it does not need to create a new object, but is slightly worrisome in that it depends on "undocumented behavior/interface" of NSDecimal -- the meanings of the fields are not documented anywhere (that I can find) and are said to be "private".

Both appear to work.

Though on thinking about it a bit -- The second approach has some "boundary" problems, since one can't readily adjust the limits to assure that the maximum possible 64-bit binary int will "pass" without risking loss of a slightly larger number.

Rather unbelievably, this scheme fails in some cases:

BOOL fixed = NO;
long long llValue = [obj longLongValue];
NSNumber* testNumber = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithLongLong:llValue];
if ([testNumber isEqualToNumber:obj]) {
    fixed = YES;

I didn't save the value, but there is one for which the NSNumber will essentially be unequal to itself -- the values both display the same but do not register as equal (and it is certain that the value originated as an integer).

This appears to work, so far:

BOOL fixed = NO;
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
     long long llValue = [obj longLongValue];
     NSNumber* testNumber = [[[obj class] alloc] initWithLongLong:llValue];
     if ([testNumber isEqualToNumber:obj]) {
         fixed = YES;

Apparently isEqualToNumber does not work reliably between an NSNumber and an NSDecimalNumber.

(But the bounty is still open, for the best suggestion or improvement.)

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Hot Licks Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 16:11

Hot Licks

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What is NSNumber?

Overview. NSNumber is a subclass of NSValue that offers a value as any C scalar (numeric) type. It defines a set of methods specifically for setting and accessing the value as a signed or unsigned char , short int , int , long int , long long int , float , or double or as a BOOL .

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1 Answers

As documented in NSDecimalNumber.h, NSDecimalNumber always returns "d" for it's return type. This is expected behavior.

- (const char *)objCType NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER;
    // return 'd' for double

And also in the Developer Docs:

Returns a C string containing the Objective-C type of the data contained in the
receiver, which for an NSDecimalNumber object is always “d” (for double).

CFNumberGetValue is documented to return false if the conversion was lossy. In the event of a lossy conversion, or when you encounter an NSDecimalNumber, you will want to fall back to using the stringValue and then use sqlite3_bind_text to bind it (and use sqlite's column affinity).

Something like this:

NSNumber *number = ...
BOOL ok = NO;

if (![number isKindOfClass:[NSDecimalNumber class]]) {
    CFNumberType numberType = CFNumberGetType(number);

    if (numberType == kCFNumberFloat32Type ||
        numberType == kCFNumberFloat64Type ||
        numberType == kCFNumberCGFloatType)
        double value;
        ok = CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberFloat64Type, &value);

        if (ok) {
            ok = (sqlite3_bind_double(pStmt, idx, value) == SQLITE_OK);

    } else {
        SInt64 value;
        ok = CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &value);

        if (ok) {
            ok = (sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, idx, value) == SQLITE_OK);

// We had an NSDecimalNumber, or the conversion via CFNumberGetValue() was lossy.
if (!ok) {
    NSString *stringValue = [number stringValue];
    ok = (sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, idx, [stringValue UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) == SQLITE_OK);
like image 197
iccir Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11
