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getting AdMob Mediation ID





Straight to the point:
I understand what is mediationID and why it's for, but I can't get mediationID on admob tool.

Mediation ad network guide looks like this:

But reality is that I can't find Mediation ID.

enter image description here

What I did:

  • Created AdMob account
  • Created test app
  • Added custom ad network

enter image description here I have ability to set adaptor "Class Name", label, parameters, but the problem remains I can't find anywhere mediationID to use instead of adUnitID.

enter image description here

like image 389
Injectios Avatar asked Oct 01 '13 11:10


1 Answers

The ID you are seeing that looks like 'ca-app-pub-XXXXXXX/NNNNN" IS your mediation id.

like image 137
William Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09
