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How to detect win32 process creation/termination in c++

I know that to receive notifications about Win32 process creation or termination we might implement a NT kernel-mode driver using the APIs PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine() that offers the ability to register system-wide callback function which is called by OS each time when a new process starts, exits or is terminated.

Is this possible without creating a NT kernel-mode driver, only using Win32 API functions using c++? Not using the basic solution of a infinite cycle querying the list of active process of course.

Is there any library or win32 API that provides the same functionality (system wide callback, asynchronous events)?

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Nuno Avatar asked Aug 24 '10 11:08


2 Answers

WMI is great and it works with process names too. Although if you need to track process termination the more lightweight and easier way is the following:

VOID CALLBACK WaitOrTimerCallback(
    _In_  PVOID lpParameter,
    _In_  BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired
    MessageBox(0, L"The process has exited.", L"INFO", MB_OK);

DWORD dwProcessID = 1234;
HANDLE hProcHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwProcessID);

HANDLE hNewHandle;
RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&hNewHandle, hProcHandle , WaitOrTimerCallback, NULL, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE);

This code will call WaitOrTimerCallback once the process terminated.

like image 83
Anton K Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 05:11

Anton K

The only thing I could think of is WMI, not sure if it provides a process creation callback, but it might be worth looking into.

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Anders Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 04:11
