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How to deploy an HTTPS-only site, with Django/nginx?

My original question was how to enable HTTPS for a Django login page, and the only response, recommended that I - make the entire site as HTTPS-only.

Given that I'm using Django 1.3 and nginx, what's the correct way to make a site HTTPS-only?

The one response mentioned a middleware solution, but had the caveat:

Django can't perform a SSL redirect while maintaining POST data. Please structure your views so that redirects only occur during GETs.

A question on Server Fault about nginx rewriting to https, also mentioned problems with POSTs losing data, and I'm not familiar enough with nginx to determine how well the solution works.

And EFF's recommendation to go HTTPS-only, notes that:

The application must set the Secure attribute on the cookie when setting it. This attribute instructs the browser to send the cookie only over secure (HTTPS) transport, never insecure (HTTP).

Do apps like Django-auth have the ability to set cookies as Secure? Or do I have to write more middleware?

So, what is the best way to configure the combination of Django/nginx to implement HTTPS-only, in terms of:

  • security
  • preservation of POST data
  • cookies handled properly
  • interaction with other Django apps (such as Django-auth), works properly
  • any other issues I'm not aware of :)

Edit - another issue I just discovered, while testing multiple browsers. Say I have the URL https://mysite.com/search/, which has a search form/button. I click the button, process the form in Django as usual, and do a Django HttpResponseRedirect to http://mysite.com/search?results="foo". Nginx redirects that to https://mysite.com/search?results="foo", as desired.

However - Opera has a visible flash when the redirection happens. And it happens every search, even for the same search term (I guess https really doesn't cache :) Worse, when I test it in IE, I first get the message:

You are about to be redirected to a connection that is not secure - continue?

After clicking "yes", this is immediately followed by:

You are about to view pages over a secure connection - continue?

Although the second IE warning has an option to turn it off - the first warning does not, so every time someone does a search and gets redirected to a results page, they get at least one warning message.

like image 900
John C Avatar asked Nov 16 '11 15:11

John C

People also ask

How do I enable HTTP and https in nginx?

It is possible to configure a single server that handles both HTTP and HTTPS requests: server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl; server_name www.example.com; ssl_certificate www. example.com. crt; ssl_certificate_key www.

Does Django work with nginx?

You'll use Django as the framework at the core of your web app, using it for URL routing, HTML rendering, authentication, administration, and backend logic. In this tutorial, you'll supplement the Django component with two other layers, Gunicorn and Nginx, in order to serve the application scalably.

Can I use Gunicorn without nginx?

Nginx Configuration Although there are many HTTP proxies available, we strongly advise that you use Nginx. If you choose another proxy server you need to make sure that it buffers slow clients when you use default Gunicorn workers. Without this buffering Gunicorn will be easily susceptible to denial-of-service attacks.

2 Answers

For the 2nd part of John C's answer, and Django 1.4+...

Instead of extending HttpResponseRedirect, you can change the request.scheme to https. Because Django is behind Nginx's reverse proxy, it doesn't know the original request was secure.

In your Django settings, set the SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER setting:


Then, you need Nginx to set the custom header in the reverse proxy. In the Nginx site settings:

location / {     # ...      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; } 

This way request.scheme == 'https' and request.is_secure() returns True. request.build_absolute_uri() returns https://... and so on...

like image 73
yprez Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10


Here is the solution I've worked out so far. There are two parts, configuring nginx, and writing code for Django. The nginx part handles external requests, redirecting http pages to https, and the Django code handles internal URL generation that has an http prefix. (At least, those resulting from a HttpResponseRedirect()). Combined, it seems to work well - as far as I can tell, the client browser never sees an http page that the users didn't type in themselves.

Part one, nginx configuration

# nginx.conf # Redirects any requests on port 80 (http) to https: server {     listen       80;     server_name  www.mysite.com mysite.com;     rewrite ^ https://mysite.com$request_uri? permanent; #    rewrite ^ https://mysite.com$uri permanent; # also works } # django pass-thru via uWSGI, only from https requests: server {     listen       443;     ssl          on;     ssl_certificate        /etc/ssl/certs/mysite.com.chain.crt;     ssl_certificate_key    /etc/ssl/private/mysite.com.key;      server_name  mysite.com;     location / {         uwsgi_pass;         include uwsgi_params;     } } 

Part two A, various secure cookie settings, from settings.py

CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True # currently only in Dev branch of Django.

Part two B, Django code

# mysite.utilities.decorators.py import settings  def HTTPS_Response(request, URL):     if settings.SERVER_TYPE == "DEV":         new_URL = URL     else:         absolute_URL = request.build_absolute_uri(URL)         new_URL = "https%s" % absolute_URL[4:]     return HttpResponseRedirect(new_URL)  # views.py  def show_items(request):     if request.method == 'POST':         newURL = handle_post(request)         return HTTPS_Response(request, newURL) # replaces HttpResponseRedirect()     else: # request.method == 'GET'         theForm = handle_get(request)     csrfContext = RequestContext(request, {'theForm': theForm,})     return render_to_response('item-search.html', csrfContext)  def handle_post(request):     URL = reverse('item-found') # name of view in urls.py     item = request.REQUEST.get('item')     full_URL = '%s?item=%s' % (URL, item)     return full_URL 

Note that it is possible to re-write HTTPS_Response() as a decorator. The advantage would be - not having to go through all your code and replace HttpResponseRedirect(). The disadvantage - you'd have to put the decorator in front of HttpResponseRedirect(), which is in Django at django.http.__init__.py. I didn't want to modify Django's code, but that's up to you - it's certainly one option.

like image 36
John C Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

John C