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How to define `name` and `inheritAttrs` in `<script setup>`?

Options API:

  import { defineComponent } from 'vue'

  export default defineComponent({
    name: 'CustomName', // 👈
    inheritAttrs: false, // 👈
    setup() {
      return {}

How to do that in <script setup>, is there an equivalent for name and inheritAttrs like defineProps and defineEmits?

<script setup>
  // 👉 how to define them here?
like image 925
Wenfang Du Avatar asked May 08 '21 08:05

Wenfang Du

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What is <script setup> used for?

<script setup> is a compile-time syntactic sugar for using Composition API inside Single-File Components (SFCs). It is the recommended syntax if you are using both SFCs and Composition API. It provides a number of advantages over the normal <script> syntax:

How do I use slots and ATTRS inside <script setup>?

Usage of slots and attrs inside <script setup> should be relatively rare, since you can access them directly as $slots and $attrs in the template. In the rare case where you do need them, use the useSlots and useAttrs helpers respectively:

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Components using <script setup> are closed by default - i.e. the public instance of the component, which is retrieved via template refs or $parent chains, will not expose any of the bindings declared inside <script setup>. To explicitly expose properties in a <script setup> component, use the defineExpose compiler macro:

2 Answers

The <script setup> syntax provides the ability to express equivalent functionality of most existing Options API options except for a few:

  • name
  • inheritAttrs
  • Custom options needed by plugins or libraries

If you need to declare these options, use a separate normal <script> block with export default:

  export default {
    name: 'CustomName',
    inheritAttrs: false,
    customOptions: {},

<script setup>
  // script setup logic

Compiled output:

  export default {
    name: 'CustomName',
    inheritAttrs: false,
    customOptions: {},
    setup() {
      // script setup logic
like image 136
Wenfang Du Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 02:10

Wenfang Du

there is a vite plugin vite-plugin-vue-setup-extend can resolve set component name.


// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import VueSetupExtend from 'vite-plugin-vue-setup-extend'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [


<script lang="ts" setup name="CompName">
like image 36
YAN7 Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10