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How to declare a constant in an SQL query?

I am using Oracle 11g R2. Is there a way to give a name (alias) to a single value selected from a table before an SQL query in the same expression? That is a single SQL command, I mean, and no PL/SQL.

The closest I've come to is:

Approved AS (SELECT c.value FROM configuration c WHERE c.code = 'Approved'),
Arrived AS (SELECT c.value FROM configuration c WHERE c.code = 'Arrived'),
Scheduled AS (SELECT c.value FROM configuration c WHERE c.code = 'Scheduled')

FROM list l WHERE l.status_key > (SELECT value FROM Approved);

I am looking for something similar to, say:

Approved AS CONSTANT (SELECT c.value FROM configuration c WHERE c.code = 'Approved'),
Arrived AS CONSTANT (SELECT c.value FROM configuration c WHERE c.code = 'Arrived'),
Scheduled AS CONSTANT (SELECT c.value FROM configuration c WHERE c.code = 'Scheduled')

FROM list l WHERE l.status_key > Approved;

The reason I don't want to inline the select statement for the value is that my query is complex enough as it is and I'd rather take some of that complexity out, if possible.

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shwartz Avatar asked Jul 31 '14 17:07


1 Answers

I sometimes use a construct like this:

WITH const as
      (select max(case when c.code = 'Approved' then c.value end) as Approved,
              max(case when c.code = 'Approved' then c.value end) as Approved,
              max(case when c.code = 'Scheduled' then c.value end) as Scheduled
       from configuration c
      . . .
FROM const cross join
     list l
WHERE status_key > Approved;

Sometimes if I need the constants at different places in the query, then I have to bring in the const CTE more than once.

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Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

Gordon Linoff