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SQL Server Unique Composite Key of Two Field With Second Field Auto-Increment

I have the following problem, I want to have Composite Primary Key like:

PRIMARY KEY (`base`, `id`);

for which when I insert a base the id to be auto-incremented based on the previous id for the same base


base   id
A      1
A      2
B      1
C      1

Is there a way when I say: INSERT INTO table(base) VALUES ('A') to insert a new record with id 3 because that is the next id for base 'A'?

The resulting table should be:

base   id
A      1
A      2
B      1
C      1
A      3

Is it possible to do it on the DB exactly since if done programmatically it could cause racing conditions.


The base currently represents a company, the id represents invoice number. There should be auto-incrementing invoice numbers for each company but there could be cases where two companies have invoices with the same number. Users logged with a company should be able to sort, filter and search by those invoice numbers.

like image 337
ziGi Avatar asked Jun 12 '14 12:06


People also ask

Can unique key be set for auto increment?

A unique key does not supports auto increment value. We cannot change or delete values stored in primary keys. We can change unique key values.

Can unique key be composite in SQL?

Composite keys in SQL prove to be useful in those cases where you have a requirement of keys that can uniquely identify records for better search purposes, but you do not possess any single unique column. In such cases, you must combine multiple columns to create a unique key.

Can a unique key be composite?

Defining Composite Unique KeysA composite unique key is a unique key made up of a combination of columns. Oracle creates an index on the columns of a unique key, so a composite unique key can contain a maximum of 16 columns.

Can we have multiple composite key in SQL?

A composite key can also be made by the combination of more than one candidate key.

1 Answers

Ever since someone posted a similar question, I've been pondering this. The first problem is that DBs don't provide "partitionable" sequences (that would restart/remember based on different keys). The second is that the SEQUENCE objects that are provided are geared around fast access, and can't be rolled back (ie, you will get gaps). This essentially this rules out using a built-in utility... meaning we have to roll our own.

The first thing we're going to need is a table to store our sequence numbers. This can be fairly simple:

                               invoiceNumber INTEGER);

In reality the base column should be a foreign-key reference to whatever table/id defines the business(es)/entities you're issuing invoices for. In this table, you want entries to be unique per issued-entity.

Next, you want a stored proc that will take a key (base) and spit out the next number in the sequence (invoiceNumber). The set of keys necessary will vary (ie, some invoice numbers must contain the year or full date of issue), but the base form for this situation is as follows:

CREATE PROCEDURE Next_Invoice_Number @baseKey CHAR(1), 
                                     @invoiceNumber INTEGER OUTPUT 
AS MERGE INTO Invoice_Sequence Stored
              USING (VALUES (@baseKey)) Incoming(base)
                 ON Incoming.base = Stored.base
   WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Stored.invoiceNumber = Stored.invoiceNumber + 1
   OUTPUT INSERTED.invoiceNumber ;;

Note that:

  1. You must run this in a serialized transaction
  2. The transaction must be the same one that's inserting into the destination (invoice) table.

That's right, you'll still get blocking per-business when issuing invoice numbers. You can't avoid this if invoice numbers must be sequential, with no gaps - until the row is actually committed, it might be rolled back, meaning that the invoice number wouldn't have been issued.

Now, since you don't want to have to remember to call the procedure for the entry, wrap it up in a trigger:

  DECLARE @invoiceNumber INTEGER
    EXEC Next_Invoice_Number Inserted.base, @invoiceNumber OUTPUT
    INSERT INTO Invoice (base, invoiceNumber) 
                VALUES (Inserted.base, @invoiceNumber)

(obviously, you have more columns, including others that should be auto-populated - you'll need to fill them in)
...which you can then use by simply saying:

INSERT INTO Invoice (base) VALUES('A');

So what have we done? Mostly, all this work was about shrinking the number of rows locked by a transaction. Until this INSERT is committed, there are only two rows locked:

  • The row in Invoice_Sequence maintaining the sequence number
  • The row in Invoice for the new invoice.

All other rows for a particular base are free - they can be updated or queried at will (deleting information out of this kind of system tends to make accountants nervous). You probably need to decide what should happen when queries would normally include the pending invoice...

like image 132
Clockwork-Muse Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
