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How to debug LinqPad query in Visual Studio Debugger?

I can attach the debugger and get it to break - but it has trouble finding the .cs file, I think LinqPad deletes it as part of its build.. 8-(

like image 390
Mesh Avatar asked Apr 06 '11 09:04


People also ask

How do I Debug a mixed code in Visual Studio?

Select the C++ project in Solution Explorer and click the Properties icon, press Alt+Enter, or right-click and choose Properties. In the <Project> Property Pages dialog box, expand Configuration Properties, and then select Debugging. Set Debugger Type to Mixed or Auto. Select OK.

1 Answers

If you call

Debugger.Launch(); Debugger.Break();  

to initiate the breakpoint within your LINQPad script, LINQPad will guess that you want to use VS to debug your script and won't delete the .cs file.

like image 147
Joe Albahari Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 15:10

Joe Albahari