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How to debug a __transparentProxy instance in VisualStudio 2008?

I'm currently working on a debugging topic to improve the debugging to __TransparentProxy instance resolved from Unity's TransparentProxyInterceptor.

The common debugging scenario is that while the program is breaking, I want to see the public member value or call the method on the proxy-wrapped instance in either Watch window or Immediate window in VS2008 IDE.

Here comes the problem: While accessing the public property or calling method on my proxy-wrapped instance, I always encounter the exception message which shows in the Watch / Immediate window, says

'Cannot obtain fields or call methods on the instance of type 'MyDomainObject' because it is a proxy to a remote object.'

I've dug into the threads on the web, and found that the cause of this exception is due to the internal reflection behavior of .NET __transparentProxy. The __transparentProxy instance can't access the corresponding property/method on the RealProxy instance underlying in the __transparentProxy instance itself.

AFAIK, there're two ways (without any design or assistance from external tools) to obtain the value I want. One is keep unfolding and unfolding the private member value in Watch window, and after several click I can , finally, access the proxy-free original instance, on which I can do whatever I want to. The other way is much faster but still take a little effort each time you want to access the original unproxied instance: RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(myProxiedObject).Target

Either way is workable but takes some efforts to get the instance I want, and while the proxied instance I want resides in a deep hierarchy, it's awfully tedious to keep unfolding or writing RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(myProxiedObject).Target (loop this) .

I've come up with two solutions, one is try to get some help from DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute in .NET, but seems failed to do so because I have to append this attribute to the RealProxy-derived class and I really don't want to modify the source code of InterceptingRealProxy class in Unity.

The other way seems feasible but twist my class design a little. I add a protected readonly property called _rawInstance in my proxy-wrapped target instance's base class, thus I can see _rawInstance in my watch window which leads me directly to my original unwrapped object. The code may look like this:

public class MyDomainBase : MarshalByRefObject
    protected MyDomainBase _rawInstance
        get{ return this; }

    (... some members, ignored)

I'm wondering if there's any better solution to this issue? Any information or tips would be very appreciated.

like image 639
Liu Nate Avatar asked Dec 23 '10 10:12

Liu Nate

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1 Answers

You might want to write a visualizer for that. It's a plugin for Visual Studio to "visualize" any watch value and you can do whatever you want to do in there, instead of in your actual project code.

like image 146
Jason Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09
