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How to deal with browser freezing because of nested ng-repeat

I created a nested tree which may have 1 - 5000 items, I am able to make it work but it freezes my browser\loading spinner for few seconds just before showing the tree.

How can I make it smooth so browser would never freeze ?

How can I know when angularjs finished creating or rendering or computing (not sure right word) whole list so that I could remove loading spinner then, as you can see scope.$last won't work as we have nested ng-repeat and same for scope.$parent.$last

Here is plunker I created but with demo data -


Example dataset - http://pastebin.com/YggqE2MK

It's not too bad in this example but at points my browser freezes for more then 10 seconds for around 4000 items in my OWN setup with all other components.

What I already considered

  • used bindonce.js library but without much success
  • used "::" single binding without much success again
  • only load first level then render next level when user expands a category but my tree can be very random, maybe I only have 1 single root node with 100s child nodes
  • pagination is not ideal for scenario


  <script type="text/ng-template" id="tree_item">
    <div ng-init="category.expanded=true">
      <div ng-class="{'selected': category.ID==selectedCategoryID}">
        <div class="icon icon16" ng-if="category.Children.length>0" ng-click="$parent.category.expanded=!$parent.category.expanded" ng-class="$parent.category.expanded?'col':'exp'"></div>
        <div class="icon icon-category" ng-class="'icon-category-'+category.TypeType" ng-style="{'border-color':category.Colour}" ng-attr-title="{{category.Status?Res['wpOPT_Status'+category.Status]:''}}"></div>
        <a ng-href="#id={{category.ID}}" ng-class="{'pending-text': category.PendingChange}">{{category.Name}}</a>
      <ul class="emlist" ng-show="category.expanded">
        <li ng-repeat="category in category.Children | orderBy:'Name'" ng-include="'tree_item'" ng-class="{'selected': category.ID==selectedCategoryID}" e2-tree-item is-selected="category.ID==selectedCategoryID">

  <div id="CategoryListContainer" class="dragmenu-container initial-el-height">
    <div class="spinner" data-ng-show="status=='loading'"></div>
    <ul id="CategoryList" class="dragmenu-list ng-cloak" ng-show="status=='loaded'">
      <li ng-repeat="category in tree | orderBy:'Name'" ng-include="'tree_item'" e2-tree-item is-selected="category.ID==selectedCategoryID"></li>


var app = angular.module('recursionDemo', []);

app.controller("TreeController", function($scope, $timeout) {
  $scope.status = "loading";

  $timeout(function() {
        var result = {
      "GetCategoryTreeResult": [{ // too big data set so I pasted it here http://pastebin.com/YggqE2MK }];
    $scope.tree = result.GetCategoryTreeResult;

    $scope.status = "loaded";
  }, 3000);

app.directive('e2TreeItem', function($timeout) {
  function link(scope, element, ngModel) {
    scope.$watch('isSelected', function(oldVal, newVal) {
      if (scope.isSelected === true) {
        element.parentsUntil('#CategoryListContainer', 'li').each(function(index, item) {
          angular.element(item).scope().category.expanded = true;

    // not working
    //if (scope.$parent.$last) {
    //  console.log("last has been caught");
    //  var appElement = document.querySelector('[ng-app=recursionDemo]');
    //  angular.element(appElement).scope().status = "loaded";
  return {
    link: link,
    scope: {
      isSelected: '=?'
like image 831
Mathematics Avatar asked Mar 02 '17 09:03


1 Answers



You can load your data smoothly by changing the L10901 of app.js as below. But you should notice that if you still want to order it by name, and want it steady, you should just sort the source data, but not sort in angular with "order by". (Do you want some code to sort the source data?)

    function getDataGradually(data, childKey, gap, count, updateCb, finishCb) {
        const lastPositon = [];
        const linearData = [];
        const ret = [];

        function getLinearData(arr, position) {
            arr.forEach(function (obj, index) {
                const pos = position.concat([index]);
                if (obj[childKey] && obj[childKey].length) {
                    var children = obj[childKey];
                    obj[childKey] = [];
                    getLinearData(children, pos);
                } else {
        getLinearData(data, []);

        function insertData({
        }) {

            let target = ret;
            pos.forEach(function (i, index) {

                if (index === pos.length - 1) {
                    target[i] = obj;

                } else {
                    target = target[i][childKey];

        let handled = 0;

        function doInsert() {
            let start = handled;
            let end;
            if (handled + count > linearData.length) {
                end = linearData.length;
            } else {
                end = handled + count;
            for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
            handled += count;
            if (handled < linearData.length) {
                setTimeout(function () {
                    updateCb && updateCb();
                }, gap);
            } else {
                finishCb && finishCb();

        return ret;

    $scope.tree = getDataGradually(result.GetCategoryTreeResult, "Children", 0, 30, function () {
    }, function () {
    //$scope.tree = result.GetCategoryTreeResult;
    $scope.status = "loaded";
  }, 3000);

Old answer:

You can get the rendering time by using $timeout. Try to change the L10901 of app.js as below.

        $scope.tree = result.GetCategoryTreeResult;
        $scope.status = "loaded";
      }, 3000);

BTW, I got "1931.881ms" on my pc.

like image 136
blackmiaool Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 15:11
