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How to customize carrier name in iOS 6 simulator?

How can I customize the default Carrier name to something else, e.g. AT&T?

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ohho Avatar asked Sep 25 '12 10:09


3 Answers

There is a way to change the carrier name without using any objective c code or image editor app: https://github.com/toursprung/iOS-Screenshot-Automator/blob/master/changeCarrierName

This solution works great with all versions of iOS (including iOS 6 and 7)

The key point is

sudo plutil -convert xml1 SpringBoard.strings

We don't necessarily have to convert it back to binary code since Mac OS accepts both formats.

After you converted your file to XML, you can easily edit the file with vim or any other editor of your choice.

UPDATE: I uploaded a detailed description on how to update the carrier name: https://github.com/toursprung/iOS-Screenshot-Automator/blob/master/changeCarrierName

like image 168
KrauseFx Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 15:11


Copy and paste into terminal, replacing DERP with your carrier string:

find -E /Applications/Xcode.app -iregex '.*/en(glish)?.lproj/SpringBoard.strings' -exec sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :SIMULATOR_CARRIER_STRING DERP' {} \;

Finds relevant files and modifies them in place. No copying files, converting binary to xml, or editing strings in other applications.

like image 21
Anson Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 16:11


You can use this hack, just compile the XCDFakeCarrier.m file in your project and change the FakeCarrier constant to what you want.

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ArtFeel Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 17:11
