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How to create printf effect in PowerShell

How can I get my PowerShell script to print the info in tabular format as the script progresses.

In bash I would do this by

printf "%s\t%-15.15s" "Locale" "Jar"
   printf "%-15.15s %-15.15s" "HelpSet" "Exception"
printf "\t%s\n" "Status"
printf "%s\t%-15.15s" $locale $helpFileName
if($verbose); then
   printf "%-15.15s %-15.15s" "$helpSetName" ${exclusion[$helpFileName]}
if ($fixed); then
printf "\t%s\n" $status

to get

Locale  Jar            HelpSet         Exception        Status
de      help_D150      help_D150                        CORRECTED

es      help_D150      help_D150                        OK

fr      help_D150      help_D150                        OK

it      Locale folder not found

nl      help_D150      help_D150                        CORRECTED


like image 881
rojanu Avatar asked Mar 28 '12 09:03


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2 Answers

Try this out in your PowerShell console:

"{0}`t{1,-15}{2,-15}{3,-15}" -f "Locale", "Jar", "HelpSet", "Exception"

You can use string formatting quite easily from PowerShell.

The -f operator is a PowerShell short cut to the String.Format function, including all the standard and custom formatting .NET types support.

like image 157
David Brabant Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09

David Brabant

I have accepted Davids answer as that's what I asked for. However, I have chosen to create an object by

    add-type @'
namespace FFPS {
    public class Data {
        public string Locale;
        public string JarFile;
        public string HelpSet;
        public string CorrectName;
        public string Status;

and then use XML format file to format it as a table

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
                        <Label>Jar File</Label>
                        <Label>Help Set</Label>
                        <Label>Correct Name</Label>

and in the code do

$currentFile = New-Object ffps.data
$currentFile.Locale = "DE"
$currentFile.JarFile = "JarFile.Name"

to print the entries

like image 45
rojanu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
