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In Powershell, how to set variable values within a function and have that value available in the parent scope?

I am trying to set the values for some variables using a function. My code is below:

$BackupFile = $null
$TaskSequenceID = $null
$OSDComputerName = $null
$capturedWimPath = $null

Function Set-OsToBuild 
  switch ($OsToBuild)
            $BackupFile = "Win7x64-SP1.wim"
            $TaskSequenceID = "WIN7X64BC"
            $OSDComputerName = "Ref-Win7x64"
            $capturedWimPath = "$($PathToMdtShare)\Captures\$BackupFile"

The problem is that these values for $BackupFile, $TaskSequenceID, $OSDComputerName and $capturedWimPath are blank/null outside of this function.

What is the proper way to do this? I want to set these values within this function and have those values available later on in the script, in the parent scope.

like image 589
Dbloom Avatar asked Jan 08 '15 19:01


People also ask

How do you pass a variable to a function in PowerShell?

You can pass variables to functions by reference or by value. When you pass a variable by value, you are passing a copy of the data. In the following example, the function changes the value of the variable passed to it. In PowerShell, integers are value types so they are passed by value.

How do you assign a variable value to another variable in PowerShell?

Working with variables To create a new variable, use an assignment statement to assign a value to the variable. You don't have to declare the variable before using it. The default value of all variables is $null . To get a list of all the variables in your PowerShell session, type Get-Variable .

How do I get the value of a variable in PowerShell?

The Get-Variable cmdlet gets the PowerShell variables in the current console. You can retrieve just the values of the variables by specifying the ValueOnly parameter, and you can filter the variables returned by name.

2 Answers

The variables are created in your function's local-scope. Those variables are deleted when your function is done.

    The scope that is in effect when Windows PowerShell
    starts. Variables and functions that are present when
    Windows PowerShell starts have been created in the
    global scope. This includes automatic variables and
    preference variables. This also includes the variables, aliases,
    and functions that are in your Windows PowerShell

    The current scope. The local scope can be the global 
    scope or any other scope. 

    The scope that is created while a script file runs. Only
    the commands in the script run in the script scope. To
    the commands in a script, the script scope is the local

Source: about_Scopes

If you need the variables to be available for the script, then write them to the script scope.

$BackupFile = $null
$TaskSequenceID = $null
$OSDComputerName = $null
$capturedWimPath = $null

Function Set-OsToBuild 
  switch ($OsToBuild)
            $script:BackupFile = "Win7x64-SP1.wim"
            $script:TaskSequenceID = "WIN7X64BC"
            $script:OSDComputerName = "Ref-Win7x64"
            $script:capturedWimPath = "$($PathToMdtShare)\Captures\$BackupFile"

If you would like to keep the values for whole sessions (until you close the powershell-process), then you should use the global scope.

$global:BackupFile = $null
$global:TaskSequenceID = $null
$global:OSDComputerName = $null
$global:capturedWimPath = $null

Function Set-OsToBuild 
  switch ($OsToBuild)
            $global:BackupFile = "Win7x64-SP1.wim"
            $global:TaskSequenceID = "WIN7X64BC"
            $global:OSDComputerName = "Ref-Win7x64"
            $global:capturedWimPath = "$($PathToMdtShare)\Captures\$BackupFile"
like image 94
Frode F. Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09

Frode F.

The powershell about_scope help document is what you want to read for this.

Specifically this section:

Windows PowerShell Scopes

Scopes in Windows PowerShell have both names and numbers. The named
scopes specify an absolute scope. The numbers are relative and reflect
the relationship between scopes.

    The scope that is in effect when Windows PowerShell
    starts. Variables and functions that are present when
    Windows PowerShell starts have been created in the
    global scope. This includes automatic variables and
    preference variables. This also includes the variables, aliases,
    and functions that are in your Windows PowerShell

    The current scope. The local scope can be the global 
    scope or any other scope. 

    The scope that is created while a script file runs. Only
    the commands in the script run in the script scope. To
    the commands in a script, the script scope is the local

    Items in private scope cannot be seen outside of the current
    scope. You can use private scope to create a private version
    of an item with the same name in another scope.        

Numbered Scopes:
    You can refer to scopes by name or by a number that
    describes the relative position of one scope to another.
    Scope 0 represents the current, or local, scope. Scope 1
    indicates the immediate parent scope. Scope 2 indicates the
    parent of the parent scope, and so on. Numbered scopes
    are useful if you have created many recursive

So depending on your exact needs you could use any one of the following I believe.

  1. $global:BackupFile = "Win7x64-SP1.wim"
  2. $script:BackupFile = "Win7x64-SP1.wim"
  3. $1:BackupFile = "Win7x64-SP1.wim"
like image 26
Etan Reisner Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09

Etan Reisner