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Import-Module WebAdministration wont load from script but does from command line

I'm coming onto a project that uses PowerShell to script the build. The build makes use of the WebAdministration module to manage the local IIS instance. When I run the build script the following error is thrown when trying to import WebAdministration.

Error: 06/29/2016 17:28:35: At C:\dev\src\nib-ravendb\build\ConfigureIis.ps1:10 char:1 + Import-Module WebAdministration + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ [<<==>>] Exception: The specified module 'WebAdministration' was not loaded because no valid module file was fo und in any module directory. ERROR: 1

How ever when I run Import-Module WebAdministration at the PowerShell command line the module is imported and I can use features from it. Subsequently running the build script still fails.

I have IIS 7.5 and PowerShell 4

Does anyone have an idea why this import would be failing in the script but not at the command line, and how to fix it?

like image 747
Klee Avatar asked Jun 29 '16 07:06


1 Answers

I had the same situation, i've fixed it installing the Windows Feature Web-Scripting-Tools on W2016 Server:

Add-WindowsFeature Web-Scripting-Tools
like image 99
Digweed Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
