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How to convert string to object in Angularjs [duplicate]

I have a string like :

$scope.text = '"{\"firstName\":\"John\",\"age\":454 }"';

and I want to convert to js object:

 $scope.tmp =  {"firstName":"John","age":454 };

Note: JSON.parse() doesn't work!!

It's my sample in codepen

like image 540
Ehsan Ali Avatar asked Jul 04 '16 08:07

Ehsan Ali

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How to convert string to object in AngularJS?

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1 Answers

You can do it with angular.fromJson()

in your sample, it would have been $scope.tmp = angular.fromJson($scope.text);

The difference between JSON.Parse() and angular.fromJson, is that angular will check to make sure a string is provided. If it is already an object, it will return the same object.

like image 179
Deblaton Jean-Philippe Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 15:10

Deblaton Jean-Philippe