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How to convert NSString to NSNumber without using numberfromstring

I want to convert NSString to NSNumber without using numbreFromString: method? The numbreFromString: metgod is acting weirdly in 4.0. So i want to use an alternative to convert NSString to NSNumber. Please Help me....

+ (NSString *)formatText:(NSString *) text withLocalSettings:(BOOL) isLacale {  

    NSNumber *aNsNumber= [numberFormatter numberFromString: text];  
    NSString *returnString = [NSString stringWithString:[numberFormatter stringForObjectValue:aNsNumber]];

    if(isLacale) {
        return returnString;
    else {
        return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lf",[aNsNumber doubleValue]];


I am developing an application i need to run my app both in 3.0 and 4.0. I have a textfield where when i try to enter numbers in the textfield the behaviour is like this... IN 3.0 :- It allows to enter 7 digits and 2 fractional values (I have formatted it like this). I have formatted and localized the numbers along with the comma seperations depending on the country selected. It is working perfectly in 3.0 and 3.1.2

IN 4.0 : - It allows you to enter only 4 numbers and after entering 5th digit it is making the textfields empty.. Nothing is displayed when u enter the 5th number and when u enter the 6th number it starts from the 1st number and continues the same til 4 numbers. ex: - when u enter 1234, textfield appears - 1234 and when u enter 12345, textfield appears " ". and when u enter 6 now it starts with 6 and so on..

I am using the NSNumberFormatter and numberfromstring method to format the values entered in the textfield.

I am not able to understand why this is happening like this... Please help me...

like image 925
Pradeep Reddy Kypa Avatar asked Jul 02 '10 06:07

Pradeep Reddy Kypa

1 Answers

[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[theString integerValue]];
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[theString doubleValue]];

also floatValue, intValue, longLongValue, boolValue


to strip out commas, use stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString before doing the above.

theString = [theString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"," withString:@""];

to strip out more than one character, you could get something working with componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet.

theSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWith...];
theString = [[theString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:theSet] componentsJoinedByString:@""];
like image 115
drawnonward Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09
