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how to convert .java file to a .class file



People also ask

How do I create a .class file?

To create a new Java class or type, follow these steps: In the Project window, right-click a Java file or folder, and select New > Java Class. Alternatively, select a Java file or folder in the Project window, or click in a Java file in the Code Editor. Then select File > New > Java Class.

How do I compile a .java file into a .class file in eclipse?

Step 1: Open Eclipse and click File > New > Java Project. Step 2: Provide the Project Name and click on the Finish button. Step 3: In the Package Explorer (left-hand side of the window) select the project which you have created. Step 4: Right-click on the src folder, select New > Class from the submenu.

What is the difference between a .java file and a .class file?

java file contains your Java source code while a . class file contains the Java bytecode produced by the Java compiler. It is your . class files that run on the JVM to execute a Java application.

Is .Java or .class the source file?

The source code file has file extension ". java". This is the file that is converted into the Java bytecode file, also called the class file. Everything that you physically code is "source code".

A .java file is the code file. A .class file is the compiled file.

It's not exactly "conversion" - it's compilation. Suppose your file was called "herb.java", you would write (in the command prompt):

 javac herb.java

It will create a herb.class file in the current folder.

It is "executable" only if it contains a static void main(String[]) method inside it. If it does, you can execute it by running (again, command prompt:)

 java herb

From the command line, run

javac ClassName.java

I would suggest you read the appropriate sections in The Java Tutorial from Sun:


Use the javac program that comes with the JDK (visit java.sun.com if you don't have it). The installer does not automatically add javac to your system path, so you'll need to add the bin directory of the installed path to your system path before you can use it easily.

To get a .class file you have to compile the .java file.

The command for this is javac. The manual for this is found here (Windows)

In short:

javac File.java

As the others stated : it's by compiling. You can use the javac command, but I'f you're new at java, I suggest you use a software for compiling your code (and IDE) such as Eclipse and it will do the job for you.