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Connection timeout for DriverManager getConnection

I am trying to connect to DB using the standard JDBC way

connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); 

Is there a maximum value of timeout on the connection, how long does a connection live, can I increase the value. I want in cases the connection to be open forever , is it a good idea.

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kal Avatar asked Nov 05 '09 22:11


People also ask

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getConnection() method. To create a connection to the IBM® Informix® database or database server, you can use the DriverManager. getConnection() method. This method creates a Connection object, which is used to create SQL statements, send them to the Informix database, and process the results.

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2 Answers

You can set the Timeout on the DriverManager like this:

 DriverManager.setLoginTimeout(10);  Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); 

Which would imply that if the connection cannot open within the given time that it times out.

In terms of keeping a connection open forever, it is possible if you do not close the connection but it may not be a good idea. Connections should be closed as soon as you are finished with them.

If you want to optimise the opening and closing of connections then you can use a connection pool.

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Vincent Ramdhanie Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

Vincent Ramdhanie

The value is usually DB-controlled. You have no control over it using code. It depends on the DB server used. It is usually around 30 minutes up to one hour.

On the other hand, keeping a Connection open forever is a very bad idea. Best practice is to acquire and close Connection, Statement and ResultSet in the shortest possible scope to avoid resource leaks and potential application crashes caused by the leaks and timeouts.

True, connecting the DB is an expensive task. If your application is supposed to run a relatively long time and to connect the DB fairly often, then consider using a connection pool to improve connecting performance. If your application is a webapplication, then take a look in the appserver's documentation, it usually provides a connection pooling facility in flavor of a DataSource. If it is a client application, then look for 3rd party connection pooling libraries which have proven their robustness with years, such as Apache Commons DBCP (commonly used, used in lot appservers), C3P0 (known from Hibernate) and Proxool (if you want XA connections).

Keep in mind, when using a connection pool, you still have to write proper JDBC code, i.o.w. acquire and close all the resources in the shortest possible scope. The connection pool will on its turn worry about actually closing the connection or just releasing it back to pool for further reuse.

You may get some more insights out of this article how to do the JDBC basics the proper way.

Hope this helps and happy coding.

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BalusC Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
