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How to convert an Xcode project into a static library or framework?

I have a project which I need to import into other project as a framework just like how we import Coredata framework, Quartzcore etc..How to achieve that ? How to compile my project into a library or framework which can be imported into other projects ? Please explain the steps.

Thanks in advance.

like image 711
stack2012 Avatar asked Nov 02 '12 07:11


People also ask

How do I create a static library in Xcode?

Open XCode and start a new project. Under iOS, select Library and “Cocoa Touch Static Library” say it as "staticlibrary". This will create a nice new project for us that builds a . a file.

What is difference between framework and static library iOS?

Framework: It is a package that can contain resources such as dynamic libraries, strings, headers, images, storyboards, etc. Static library: A unit of code linked at compile-time, which does not change. (Can only contain code).

1 Answers

https://github.com/jverkoey/iOS-Framework try this link for creation of framework and bundle of resources.wrap up the images, xibs and other resources you have used in your project into a bunble and copy your classes to your Cocoa Touch Static Library project.

like image 158
Pratyusha Terli Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10

Pratyusha Terli