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How to configure Webpack to load a module from its src folder instead of dist?

I am working on a monorepo and therefore I want Webpack to load my sources from src instead of dist (dist is specified in package.json).

For example given the following structure:

/packages/core/dist/index.js (compiled output)
/packages/core/src/index.ts (original TypeScript source)
/packages/core/package.json (`main` and `module` point to `dist`)

Now inside /packages/foo/src/index.ts I am doing import Foo from '@test/core'. The problem is that Webpack reads core package's package.json and uses its module and main fields that point to dist folder. I instead want Webpack to load the original sources from src, because this @test/core is part of my own codebase and not an external dependency.

Is there a way to force Webpack to load my original TS sources only for certain modules like the ones beginning with @test/?

like image 419
Kai Sellgren Avatar asked Jun 16 '19 11:06

Kai Sellgren

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2 Answers

You can use a resolve alias.

For example, assuming your webpack config is above the packages folder:

  resolve: {
    extensions: [".ts", ".js", ".json"],
    alias: {
      "@test/core": path.resolve(__dirname, "packages/core/src")

Then you can use require as usual, but any paths starting with @test/core will be resolved to path.resolve(__dirname, "packages/core/dist").

  • require("@test/core") => packages/core/src/index.ts
  • require("@test/core/module") => packages/core/src/module.ts

As .ts is a non-standard extension you have to add this to resolve.extensions.

like image 143
sdgluck Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10


I resolved it with NormalModuleReplacementPlugin:

I put this in my Webpack config:

 plugins: [
    new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(
      resource => {
        resource.request = resource.request + '/src/index'

Since I am using TS, I also had to add .ts extension to:

resolve: {
  extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx']

Now importing @test/xyz will be imported as @test/xyz/src/index -- and it will first look out for .ts extension.

like image 20
Kai Sellgren Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10

Kai Sellgren