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How to avoid redeclaring props type in React constructor using Typescript

Let's say I have a class like this:

class PeopleByTag extends React.Component<RouteComponentProps<{ tag: string }>

I need to do something in my constructor, in this example fetch data, but to do that I need to declare a props parameter, but if I don't specify the type it will become any:

constructor(props) {
    super(props); // props is any

On the other hand, if I redeclare the type the code gets very ugly:

constructor(props: Readonly<{
    children?: React.ReactNode;
}> & Readonly<RouteComponentProps<{
    tag: string;
}, StaticContext, any>>) {

Is there a way to automatically infer the props type from the class extension while also being able to write a constructor?

I also don't want to use the deprecated lifecycle hooks (i.e. ComponentWillMount).

like image 458
Ricardo Smania Avatar asked Oct 14 '18 12:10

Ricardo Smania

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1 Answers

Usually constructor itself shouldn't get 'very ugly', just because types can be defined separately as type or interface in case parameter types are verbose.

Constructor props parameter cannot be inferred because React.Component<RouteComponentProps<{ tag: string }>> generic parameter refers to parent class, React.Component, not current class.

As it can be seen in type definitions, this infers proper type for parent constructor, i.e. super.

So this

constructor(props) {

is valid. this.props is still properly typed.

In case noImplicitAny compiler option is used, it is:

constructor(props: any) {

The use of props typed as any in constructor may result in type mistakes:

constructor(props: any) {

    props.tag; // ok
    props.nonexistentProp; // ok

While this.props is type-safe.

A class can be typed with as generic to maintain proper props type in constructor, but this can be considered overkill:

export class PeopleByTag<P extends { tag: string }> extends React.Component<P> {
  constructor(props: Readonly<P>) {
    super(props); // props is any

    props.tag; // ok
    props.nonexistentProp; // not ok
    props.children; // not ok, but we rarely ever need children in constructor

It may be beneficial to prevent the use of props in constructor by providing incompatible type for it:

constructor(props: never) {

    props.tag; // not ok

If props argument was passed to super, this.props and props are interchangeable in JavaScript. They aren't interchangeable in TypeScript. this.props may be accessed in constructor for properly typed props.

like image 174
Estus Flask Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 15:10

Estus Flask