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Custom Proxy in Create React App using Typescript

I need to proxy requests from a Create React App to a separate API server, and set that server dynamically or with environment variables. I followed configuring proxy manually, however I am using TypeScript. react-scripts-ts does not seem to load src/setupProxy.js even after updating to latest version (v3.1.0). I got it working with vanilla javascript, but am unable to get it to work with TypeScript. Has anyone gotten setupProxy to work with React TypeScript?

like image 793
Sam S Avatar asked Feb 11 '19 21:02

Sam S

2 Answers

After code diving, it appears the typescript create-react-app has not yet incorporated custom proxy functionality. I had to update two files:


Added proxySetup: resolveApp('src/setupProxy.js'), to each module.exports, the last (3rd) being proxySetup: resolveOwn('template/src/setupProxy.js'),


Added const fs = require('fs'); below line 15 const paths = require('./paths'); and added

if (fs.existsSync(paths.proxySetup)) {
    // This registers user provided middleware for proxy reasons

inside the before(app) { ... } function towards the end of the file.

I am working on creating a pull request to the main repo, but it looks like the v3.1.0 files are different from the most up to date ones on the next branch. For now I use a patch script I made since we are using a lerna monorepo that updates all necessary packages:


for f in packages/*; do
    if [ -d ${f} ]; then
        echo $f
        # Will not run if no directories are available
        if [ -d "$NODE_MODULES_CONFIG_DIR" ]; then
          # Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY exists.
          curl -o $NODE_MODULES_CONFIG_DIR/paths.js $CONFIG_PATHS_URL
          curl -o $NODE_MODULES_CONFIG_DIR/webpackDevServer.config.js $CONFIG_WEBPACKDEVSERVER_URL
          curl -o $f/src/setupProxy.js $SETUPPROXY_URL

And updates the setupProxy.js file in each package as well. Hope this helps.

like image 72
Sam S Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10

Sam S

Now CRA supports Typescript but I couldn't make setupProxy.js to work.

My mistake was super dumb. setupProxy was outside src/ folder. So, make sure that you create setupProxy inside the folder src


My code looks like this:

module.exports = function (app) {
      target: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URI,
      changeOrigin: true,

Also, make sure that your env configuration is working. You need to install the package env-cmd and replace

"start": "react-scripts start",


"start": "env-cmd -f .env.development.local react-scripts start",

like image 22
Alfrex92 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10
