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How to code a "retry" logic (with only 1 iteration) in F# without mutable vars?




So by trying to avoid mutable variables, I came up with the following retry-logic code, which seems ugly:

let result = TryConnect()
match result with
| ErrorConnecting ->
    let resultAgain = TryConnect()
    match resultAgain with
    | ErrorConnecting ->
                      Console.Error.WriteLine("Setup failed!")
    | Success(value) -> PerformOperations(value)
| Success(value) -> PerformOperations(value)

Is there a way to reduce some duplication here? (Remember, no mutable vars.) Thanks!

like image 873
ympostor Avatar asked Jul 19 '16 10:07


People also ask

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2 Answers

Since there are a lot of alternatives being shown here, here is another one:

let private tryConnectNth n = 
    if n <> 0 then SetupConnectionParameters()

let isSuccess = function
    |Success _ -> true
    |ErrorConnecting -> false

let tryConnect n =
    Seq.init n tryConnectNth // generate a sequence of n connection attempts
    |> Seq.tryFind isSuccess // try to find the first success - returns Option
    |> Option.fold (fun _ -> id) ErrorConnecting // return ErrorConnecting if None, or result otherwise

It calls SetupConnectionParameters() only on a non-zero connection attempt and repeats up to n times.

like image 142
TheInnerLight Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09


Make the function recursive with a parameter for retries:

let rec private tryToConnectAux tryAgain =
    match TryConnect() with
    | Success(value) -> PerformOperations(value)
    | ErrorConnecting when tryAgain ->
        SetupConnectionParameters ()
        tryToConnectAux false
    | ErrorConnecting ->
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Setup failed!")

Call via tryToConnectAux true.

This answer was edited. Original code:

let rec tryConnecting nRetries =
    match TryConnect() with
    | ErrorConnecting ->
        if nRetries > 0 then tryConnecting (nRetries - 1)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Setup failed!")
    | Success(value) -> PerformOperations(value)

(This version doesn't include SetupConnectionParameters(), you have to add it at whatever location is appropriate)

like image 37
Vandroiy Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
