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How to clear text from AngularUI typeahead input

I have a typeahead input. The input text is set to the option selected on the typeahead. However, I want to clear this text and display the "placeholder" value again on the text box after I select one of the options from typeahead (because I add the selected value to another div in the selectMatch() method.

<input id="searchTextBoxId" type="text"      ng-model="asyncSelected" placeholder="Search  addresses..."     typeahead="address for address in getLocation($viewValue) | filter:$viewValue"     typeahead-loading="loadingLocations" class="form-control"     typeahead-on-select="selectMatch(asyncSelected)" typeahead-min-length="3"     typeahead-wait-ms="500"> 

I tried to set the text value and the placeholder value of the Input element using its Id but that did not work, such as these:

// the input text was still the  $('#searchTextBoxId').attr('placeholder', 'HELLO'); 

selected result

// the input text was still the selected result $('#searchTextBoxId').val(''); 

How can I set or reset the text value ?

like image 279
S S Avatar asked Feb 28 '14 19:02


People also ask

How do you clear the Typeahead input after a result is selected?

$event. preventDefault() will make sure that the model is not updated and the input field is not updated with the selected item. But text entered by a user will still be part of the input so if you want to clear up this as well you can directly update the input 's value property.

What is Typeahead AngularJS?

Firstly, the typeahead directive uses syntax very similar to the AngularJS select directive. This gives you full control over a displayed label and the data bound as model value.

1 Answers

I was looking for an answer to this as well, for the longest time. I finally found a resolution that worked for me.

I ended up setting the NgModel to an empty string within the typeahead-on-select attribute:

In your typeahead-on-select attribute add asyncSelected = ''; behind your select function, like so:

<input ...     typeahead-on-select="selectMatch(asyncSelected); asyncSelected = '';" /> 

Making your final typeahead looking something like:

<input id="searchTextBoxId" type="text"      ng-model="asyncSelected" placeholder="Search  addresses..."     typeahead="address for address in getLocation($viewValue) | filter:$viewValue"     typeahead-loading="loadingLocations" class="form-control"     typeahead-on-select="selectMatch(asyncSelected); asyncSelected = '';"      typeahead-min-length="3"     typeahead-wait-ms="500"> 

Fiddle adding each selection to an array

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jnthnjns Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09
