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How to check jQuery plugin and functions exists?

I have a plugin in some pages but in some other pages I don't want it so I didn't reference its script file.

How to check if the plugin functions exist before using it.

In my case I am using this plugin: and I use it like this:

$('#marquee-inner div').marquee('pointer').mouseover(function() {     $(this).trigger('stop'); }).mouseout(function() {     $(this).trigger('start'); }).mousemove(function(event) {     if ($(this).data('drag') == true) {         this.scrollLeft = $(this).data('scrollX') + ($(this).data('x') - event.clientX);     } }).mousedown(function(event) {     $(this).data('drag', true).data('x', event.clientX).data('scrollX', this.scrollLeft); }).mouseup(function() {     $(this).data('drag', false); }); 

What I want is to make a check before calling this marquee function if it exist or not.

like image 607
Amr Elgarhy Avatar asked Mar 17 '11 13:03

Amr Elgarhy

People also ask

How do I check if a jQuery plugin is loaded?

It is recommended practice to load all JavaScript files at the end of the body tag for increasing performance and render the page faster. Hence, we have used the $(document). ready() function before we can check if the plugin was loaded successfully or not.

How do I know if jQuery is working?

You can just type window. jQuery in Console . If it return a function(e,n) ... Then it is confirmed that the jquery is loaded and working successfully.

How do I know if my project uses jQuery?

Go to console. Type jQuery and press enter. In case, your app is not using jQuery, then you'll get error.

2 Answers

if ($.fn.marquee) {     // there is some jquery plugin named 'marquee' on your page } 
like image 76
Matt Ball Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Matt Ball

You can also do this. Let me take jQuery marquee example.

This is good if you are using only jQuery.

if($().marquee) {     // marquee is loaded and available } 


if($.fn.marquee !== undefined) {     // marquee is loaded and available } 

Similar to above but Safe when you are using other JS frameworks Mootools etc.

if(jQuery().marquee) {     // marquee is loaded and available } 


if(jQuery.fn.marquee !== undefined) {     // marquee is loaded and available } 
like image 35
Madan Sapkota Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Madan Sapkota