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Vue JS Watching deep nested object

Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at building an MVVM app I have also not worked with vue.js before, so it could well be that my issue is a result of a more fundamental problem.

In my view I have two types of blocks with checkboxes:

  • Type 1: block/checkboxes
  • Type 2: block/headers/checkboxes

The underlying object is structured like this:

{   "someTopLevelSetting": "someValue",   "blocks": [     {       "name": "someBlockName",       "categryLevel": "false",       "variables": [         {           "name": "someVarName",           "value": "someVarValue",           "selected": false,           "disabled": false         }       ]     },     {       "name": "someOtherBlockName",       "categryLevel": "true",       "variables": [         {           "name": "someVarName",           "value": "someVarValue",           "categories": [             {               "name": "SomeCatName",               "value": "someCatValue",               "selected": false,               "disabled": false             }           ]         }       ]     }   ] } 

My objectives

Selecting checkboxes:

  1. User clicks on checkbox, checkbox is selected (selected=true)
  2. A method is fired to check if any other checkboxes need to be disabled (disabled=true). (If this method has indeed disabled anything, it also calls itself again, because other items could be in turn dependent on the disabled item)
  3. Another method updates some other things, like icons etc

Clearing checkboxes

A user can click on a "clear" button, which unchecks all checkboxes in a list (selected=false). This action should also trigger the methods that optionally disables checkboxes and updates icons etc.

My current method (which doesn't seem quite right)

  • The selected attribute of the data-model is bound to the checked state of the checkbox element via the v-model directive.
  • The disabled attribute (from the model) is bound to the element's class and disabled attribute. This state is set by the aforementioned method.
  • To initialize the methods that disable checkboxes and change some icons, I am using a v-on="change: checkboxChange(this)" directive. I think I need to do this part differently
  • The clearList method is called via v-on="click: clearList(this)"

The problems with my current setup is that the change event is not firing when the checkboxes are cleared programatically (i.e. not by user interaction).

What I would like instead
To me the most logical thing to do would be to use this.$watch and keep track of changes in the model, instead of listening for DOM events.

Once there is a change I would then need to identify which exact item changed, and act on that. I have tried to create a $watch function that observes the blocks array. This seems to pick up on the changes fine, but it is returning the full object, as opposed to the individual attribute that has changed. Also this object lacks some convenient helper attributes, like $parent.

I can think of some hacky ways to make the app work (like manually firing change events in my clearList method, etc.) but my use case seems pretty standard, so I expect there is probably a much more elegant way to handle this.

like image 379
Hendrik Avatar asked May 08 '15 13:05


People also ask

How do I watch nested objects in Vue?

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Watching for Nested Data Changes in Vue #Every time the user clicks on the button, we ++this. count , and our watcher watches for any changes in count . It then console logs the data, so we can see the new count value. That means any time the button is clicked, the value of count is shown on the console log.

1 Answers

You could use the 'watch' method.. for example if your data is:

data: {     block: {         checkbox: {             active:false         },         someotherprop: {             changeme: 0         }     } } 

You could do something like this:

data: {...}, watch: {    'block.checkbox.active': function() {         // checkbox active state has changed         this.block.someotherprop.changeme = 5;     }  } 
like image 128
webkit Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 16:10
