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How to check if you are in a Jupyter notebook

I am creating a python module with a function to display a pandas DataFrame (my_df).

If the user imports the module into a Jupyter notebook, I would want to deliver "pretty" formatting for the DataFrame by using something like:

from IPython.display import display, HTML

If the user is not in a Jupyter notebook, I would want to display the text form of the DataFrame:


How can I check if the code is being run from a Jupyter notebook? Or, how can I display the DataFrame in text form from the commandline, vs display the HTML form if it is imported into a Jupyter notebook?

from IPython.display import display, HTML

def my_func(my_df):
    if [... code to check for Jupyter notebook here ...]:
like image 921
mgoldwasser Avatar asked May 21 '17 18:05


People also ask

How do I know if I have Jupyter Notebook?

If you wish to know where Jupyter isinstalled on your computer, you may run where jupyter in the Command prompt. If you wish to know which Python version is installed, run python or python -V or python --version .

How do I check my environment Jupyter Notebook?

Open the notebook in Jupyter Notebooks and look in the upper right corner of the screen. It should say, for example, "Python [env_name]" if the language is Python and it's using an environment called env_name.

How do I stop my Jupyter Notebook from running?

To interrupt a cell execution, you can click the ■ “stop” button in the ribbon above the notebook, or select “Interrupt Kernel” from the Kernel menue.

How do I find my Jupyter Notebook location?

On Linux and other free desktop platforms, these runtime files are stored in $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/jupyter by default. On other platforms, it's a runtime/ subdirectory of the user's data directory (second row of the table above). An environment variable may also be used to set the runtime directory.

2 Answers

You should look in os.environ.

On my machine you can see it in

like image 26
Amit Wolfenfeld Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10

Amit Wolfenfeld

You don't need to check if the code is being run from a Notebook; display() prints text when called from the command line.


from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd 

my_df = pd.DataFrame({'foo':[1,2,3],'bar':[7,8,9]})

From the command line:

$ python test.py 
   bar  foo
0    7    1
1    8    2
2    9    3

From a Jupyter Notebook:

notebook printout

To check whether you're running inside an interactive Ipython shell (command-line or browser-based), check for get_ipython. (Adapted from the Ipython docs)

Modified test.py:

from IPython.display import display, HTML
import pandas as pd 
my_df = pd.DataFrame({'foo':[1,2,3],'bar':[7,8,9]})


This approach will:
- pretty-print in a browser Jupyter notebook
- print text when run as a script from the command line (e.g. python test.py)
- if run line-by-line in a Python shell, it will not turn into an interactive Ipython shell after printing

like image 103
andrew_reece Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10
