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PyCharm asks for python interpreter every time project is loaded




Rather frustratingly, every time I load up an existing project or create a new one - it complains there is no interpreter selected and I have to provide the path to it.

There is nothing unusual about my python installation, it's sat in C:/Python27/ as you would expect. It always used to work, but the last few weeks something has changed.

I'm running Win7. PATH system variable points to C:/Python27/ as it ought to.

If I crack open commandline, the python command opens as it ought to.

Any ideas?

like image 721
Oliver Avatar asked Sep 08 '15 09:09


1 Answers

There is no Default Settings any more, It's called Preferences for New Projects in the newer versions of PyCharm (my version is 2018.3.3).

For that, go to :

File > Preferences for New Projects > Project Interpreter

enter image description here

like image 152
mounirboulwafa Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
