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How to check if a URL is downloadable in requests

I am making this downloader app using tkinter and requests and I recently found a bug in my program. Basically I want my program to check whether the given URL is downloadable or not before starting the download of the content of the URL. I used to do this by getting the headers of the URL and checking if 'Content-Length' exists and it works for some URLs (like: https://www.google.com) but for the others (like the link to a youtube video) it does not and it makes my program crash. I saw that someone said one stackoverflow that I could check for 'attachment' in 'Content-Disposition' of the headers but it didn't work for me and returned the same thing for a downloadable and a non-downloadable URL. What is the best way to do this? The code mentioned in the other stackoverflow issue that I tried and did not work:

import requests
url = 'https://www.google.com'
downloadable = 'attachment' in headers.get('Content-Disposition', '')

My former code:

headers = requests.head(url, headers={'accept-encoding': ''}).headers
    file_size = int(headers['Content-Length'])
except KeyError:
    # Just a class that I defined to raise an exception if the URL was not downloadable
    raise NotDownloadable()

UPDATE: URL: https://aspb1.cdn.asset.aparat.com/aparat-video/a5e07b7f62ffaad0c104763c23d7393215613675-360p.mp4?wmsAuthSign=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbiI6IjUzMGU0Mzc3ZjRlZjVlYWU0OTFkMzdiOTZkODgwNGQ2IiwiZXhwIjoxNjExMzMzMDQxLCJpc3MiOiJTYWJhIElkZWEgR1NJRyJ9.FjMi_dkdLCUkt25dfGqPLcehpaC32dBBUNDC9cLNiu0 This URL is the one I used for testing. If you open the URL it directly leads you to a video which you can download but when checking for the 'Content-Disposition' it returned 'None' just like the majority of the downloadable and non-downloadable URLs I have tried.

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Omid Ketabollahi Avatar asked Jan 19 '21 18:01

Omid Ketabollahi

People also ask

What is a download request?

Describes a request to download files over cell-broadcast.

How to check if a request is downloadable or not?

You can just request the HTTP response header and look for Content-Type: and decide whether you want to consider that content-type as downloadable or non-downloadable. import requests r = requests.get (url, stream=True) if r.headers ['Content-Length']: print ("Downloadable") else: print ("Not Downloadable")

How to check the type of data a URL is linking to?

To solve this, what I did was inspecting the headers of the URL. Headers usually contain a Content-Type parameter which tells us about the type of data the url is linking to. It works but is not the optimum way to do so as it involves downloading the file for checking the header. So if the file is large, this will do nothing but waste bandwidth.

What is the difference between a downloadable and non-downloadable url?

On HTTP protocol level itself, there is no distinction between downloadable and non-downloadable URL. There is an HTTP request and there is a subsequent response. Response body can be a binary file, HTML, image etc..

How do I check if a URL is free?

Checking URL for availability and register With checkdomain you can check a URL and then receive the information whether the desired URL is still free. If a URL has been checked and it is occupied, you will also receive information about who bought this domain. If a URL is free, you can register it directly in your name via our website.

Video Answer

2 Answers

According to Request for Comment (RFC) 6266 the Content-Disposition Header Field:

is not part of the HTTP standard, but since it is widely implemented, we are documenting its use and risks for implementers.

Since the Content-Disposition header is not always available, you could use a solution that not only looks for that specific header, but also looks at the individual file types within the Content-Type header

Here is a list of Content-Types.

The code below checks the headers for Content-Disposition, but it also checks the headers for some of the Content-Type that are commonly downloadable.

I also added a check for the Content-Length, because it could be useful in chunking the file being downloaded.

Have you considered creating sub-download folders?

  • download_folder/text_files
  • download_folder/pdf_files


  • download_folder/01242021/text_files
  • download_folder/01242021/pdf_files
import requests

urls = ['https://www.stats.govt.nz/assets/Uploads/Annual-enterprise-survey/Annual-enterprise-survey-2019-financial'
        'http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf', 'https://jeroen.github.io/files/sample.rtf',

for url in urls:
    headers = requests.head(url).headers
    Content_Length = [value for key, value in headers.items() if key == 'Content-Length']
    if len(Content_Length) > 0:
        Content_Size = ''.join(map(str, Content_Length))
        Content_Size = 'The content size was not available.'

    Content_Disposition_Exists = bool({key: value for key, value in headers.items() if key == 'Content_Disposition'})
    if Content_Disposition_Exists is True:
        # do something with the file
        Content_Type = {value for key, value in headers.items() if key == 'Content-Type'}

        compression_formats = ['application/gzip', 'application/vnd.rar', 'application/x-7z-compressed',
                               'application/zip', 'application/x-tar']
        compressed_file = bool([file_format for file_format in compression_formats if file_format in Content_Type])

        image_formats = ['image/bmp', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/tiff',
        image_file = bool([file_format for file_format in image_formats if file_format in Content_Type])

        text_formats = ['application/rtf', 'text/plain']
        text_file = bool([file_format for file_format in text_formats if file_format in Content_Type])

        if compressed_file is True:
            print('Compressed file')
        elif image_file is True:
            print('Image file')
        elif text_file is True:
            print('Text file')
        elif 'application/pdf' in Content_Type:
            print('PDF file')
        elif 'text/csv' in Content_Type:
            print('CSV File')

Here is another version with Functions

import requests

urls = ['https://www.stats.govt.nz/assets/Uploads/Annual-enterprise-survey/Annual-enterprise-survey-2019-financial'
        'http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf', 'https://jeroen.github.io/files/sample.rtf',

def query_headers(webpage):
    response = requests.get(webpage, stream=True)
    headers = response.headers
    file_name = webpage.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]

    Content_Disposition_Exists = bool({key: value for key, value in headers.items() if key == 'Content_Disposition'})
    if Content_Disposition_Exists is True:
        # do something with the file
        Content_Type = {value for key, value in headers.items() if key == 'Content-Type'}

        compression_formats = ['application/gzip', 'application/vnd.rar', 'application/x-7z-compressed',
                               'application/zip', 'application/x-tar']
        compressed_file = bool([file_format for file_format in compression_formats if file_format in Content_Type])

        image_formats = ['image/bmp', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/tiff',
        image_file = bool([file_format for file_format in image_formats if file_format in Content_Type])

        text_formats = ['application/rtf', 'text/plain']
        text_file = bool([file_format for file_format in text_formats if file_format in Content_Type])
        nl = '\n'

        if compressed_file is True:
            download_file(file_name, response)
            content_size = get_content_size(headers)
            return f'File Information: file_type: Compressed file, File size: {content_size}, File name: {file_name}'
        elif image_file is True:
            download_file(file_name, response)
            content_size = get_content_size(headers)
            return f'File Information: file_type: Image file, File size: {content_size}, File name: {file_name}'
        elif text_file is True:
            download_file(file_name, response)
            content_size = get_content_size(headers)
            return f'File Information: file_type: Text file, File size: {content_size}, File name: {file_name}'
        elif 'application/pdf' in Content_Type:
            download_file(file_name, response)
            content_size = get_content_size(headers)
            return f'File Information: file_type: PDF file, File size: {content_size}, File name: {file_name}'
        elif 'text/csv' in Content_Type:
            download_file(file_name, response)
            content_size = get_content_size(headers)
            return f'File Information: file_type: CSV file, File size: {content_size}, File name: {file_name}'
        elif 'text/html' in "".join(str(Content_Type)):
            download_file(file_name, response)
            content_size = get_content_size(headers)
            return f'File Information: file_type: HTML file, File size: {content_size}, File name: {file_name}'
            content_size = get_content_size(headers)
            return f'File Information: file_type:  no file type found, File size: {content_size}, File name: {file_name}'

def get_content_size(headers):
    Content_Length = [value for key, value in headers.items() if key == 'Content-Length']
    if len(Content_Length) > 0:
        Content_Size = ''.join(map(str, Content_Length))
        return int(Content_Size)
        return 0

def download_file(filename, file_stream):
    with open(f'{filename}', 'wb') as f:

for url in urls:
    download_info = query_headers(url)
    # output
    File Information: file_type: CSV file, File size: 253178, File name: annual-enterprise-survey-2019-financial-year-provisional-csv.csv
    File Information: file_type: PDF file, File size: 433994, File name: pdf.pdf
    File Information: file_type: Text file, File size: 9636, File name: sample.rtf
    File Information: file_type: HTML file, File size: 185243, File name: index.html
    File Information: file_type: HTML file, File size: 0, File name: www.google.com
    File Information: file_type: Image file, File size: 78868, File name: img_1317.jpg
    File Information: file_type: HTML file, File size: 170, File name: www.blank.org

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Life is complex Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09

Life is complex

Content-Disposition provides filename information if it is not given in the url. But this information is not always present, as is the case with your url. A solution is to filter by content type, see the example below. You can add filters if you wish to download specific content types such as video/mp4.

import requests

url = 'https://aspb1.cdn.asset.aparat.com/aparat-video/a5e07b7f62ffaad0c104763c23d7393215613675-360p.mp4?wmsAuthSign=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbiI6IjUzMGU0Mzc3ZjRlZjVlYWU0OTFkMzdiOTZkODgwNGQ2IiwiZXhwIjoxNjExMzMzMDQxLCJpc3MiOiJTYWJhIElkZWEgR1NJRyJ9.FjMi_dkdLCUkt25dfGqPLcehpaC32dBBUNDC9cLNiu0'
headers=requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True).headers
content_type = headers.get('content-type')

if 'text' in content_type.lower():
    downloadable = False
elif 'html' in content_type.lower():
    downloadable =  False
    downloadable = True

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RJ Adriaansen Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09

RJ Adriaansen