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How to check if a string starts with one of several prefixes?

I have the following if statement:

String newStr4 = strr.split("2012")[0]; if (newStr4.startsWith("Mon")) {     str4.add(newStr4); } 

I want it to include startsWith Mon Tues Weds Thurs Friday etc. Is there a simple way to this when using strings? I tried || but it didn't work.

like image 558
FredBones Avatar asked Mar 20 '12 16:03


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C++ std::string Checking if a string is a prefix of another In C++14, this is easily done by std::mismatch which returns the first mismatching pair from two ranges: std::string prefix = "foo"; std::string string = "foobar"; bool isPrefix = std::mismatch(prefix. begin(), prefix.

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2 Answers

Do you mean this:

if (newStr4.startsWith("Mon") || newStr4.startsWith("Tues") || ...) 

Or you could use regular expression:

if (newStr4.matches("(Mon|Tues|Wed|Thurs|Fri).*")) 
like image 134
hmjd Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


Besides the solutions presented already, you could use the Apache Commons Lang library:

if(StringUtils.startsWithAny(newStr4, new String[] {"Mon","Tues",...})) {   //whatever } 

Update: the introduction of varargs at some point makes the call simpler now:

StringUtils.startsWithAny(newStr4, "Mon", "Tues",...) 
like image 33
Thomas Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
