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How to check for LINQ to SQL connection error

How to check if Linq.DataContext object is filled with data and no connection error has appeared?


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Alexander Prokofyev Avatar asked Apr 15 '09 11:04

Alexander Prokofyev

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2 Answers



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leppie Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09


What specific scenario are you trying to guard against?

A DataContext is not the same as a DataSet - it isn't (necessarily) a container of data (identity management / change tracking aside) - it is a source of data.

In general, it won't give you an object (from a query) if an error occurs - it'll throw an exception. So if you have been given an instance by LINQ-to-SQL, it should have something in it.

Are you seeing a specific problem that you want to avoid?

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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09

Marc Gravell