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.net compact framework "Target framework"

With normal .net applications in the properties window you can change the .net framework of your application from 3.5 to 2.0.

I'm looking for something like that for a pocket pc application, because I get an error on my pocket pc that my app requires a newer version of .net. and I can't find it anywhere in the properties.

like image 916
agnieszka Avatar asked Mar 09 '09 11:03


2 Answers

Unfortunately it's not in the properties. For some (really stupid) reason you can upgrade a 2.0 project to 3.5 with a right click of the mouse, but there's no going back in the IDE. FOrtunately it's really easy still. Open the project in any text editor (including Studio if you have the accelerators installed) and change the Target Framework node back to 2.0.

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ctacke Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 02:09


First - you might want to check the "Devices" tab (VS2008), and check the "Deploy the latest version..." box (to push 3.5 onto the device, if this is an option).

It is entirely possible that you need to re-create the project file to do change the target to 2.0 (i.e. create a new project, selecting 2.0 on the first screen). It usually isn't a big job to copy in the .cs files etc...

If the project is large, you might consider editing the csproj manually, but I'm not sure I'd bother... probably less work to just re-add the code.

like image 43
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09

Marc Gravell