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How to change the default value for the Margins property?

Using the Delphi XE2 wizard to create a component, I have choose the TPanel to inherit from, and change defaults of some properties to fit my application.

My problem is to change the default of Margins:

  TControl = class(TComponent)
    property Margins: TMargins read FMargins write SetMargins;

Margins is a TMargin class declared with 4 properties that I need to redefine the defaults:

  TMargins = class(TPersistent)
    property Left: TMarginSize index 0 read FLeft write SetMargin default 3;
    property Top: TMarginSize index 1 read FTop write SetMargin default 3;
    property Right: TMarginSize index 2 read FRight write SetMargin default 3;
    property Bottom: TMarginSize index 3 read FBottom write SetMargin default 3;

I can/will be setting on code the margins when the constructor of the component is called, however I have no idea how to redefine these defaults above in order to show up on the property editor.

like image 969
Eduardo Elias Avatar asked Dec 25 '13 17:12

Eduardo Elias

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1 Answers

You can declare your TMargins descendant with your own defaults to use in your panel

  TMyMargins = class(TMargins)
    class procedure InitDefaults(Margins: TMargins); override;
    property Left default 10;
    property Top default 10;
    property Right default 10;
    property Bottom default 10;

class procedure TMyMargins.InitDefaults(Margins: TMargins);
  with Margins do begin
    Left := 10;
    Right := 10;
    Top := 10;
    Bottom := 10;

then when you create your panel, dismiss the existing one and use yours

  TMyPanel = class(TPanel)
    procedure DoMarginChange(Sender: TObject);
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

constructor TMyPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  Margins := TMyMargins.Create(Self);
  Margins.OnChange := DoMarginChange;

procedure TMyPanel.DoMarginChange(Sender: TObject);
  // same as in TControl which is private

The margins will be stored in the dfm only when they differ from the default.

Although I don't know why the above works... The problem with the above code is, Margins property have a setter which only assigns to the margins (left, right..). The code never writes to the backing field, but it still works. The line

Margins := TMyMargins.Create(Self);

is effectively same as


which also works.

By 'works' I mean, it works. The margins, f.i., gets properly destroyed, not because of ownership etc.. (margins iş a TPersistent, not a component) but right when the ascendant TControl calls FMargins.Free.

Anyway, since I don't understand how it works, as a safer although hacky approach, I'd use this:

constructor TMyPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  Addr: NativeUInt;
  inherited Create(AOwner);

  Addr := NativeUInt(@Margins);
  PUINT_PTR(Addr)^ := NativeUInt(TMyMargins.Create(Self));
  Margins.OnChange := DoMarginChange;
like image 101
Sertac Akyuz Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Sertac Akyuz