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How to change the creation date in domain registration record?





I'm interested to do it on domain .com zone. Does anyone know a registrar which will be able to do it?

like image 868
Optional Settings Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 16:12

Optional Settings

1 Answers

You cannot change the creation date for your domain. I assume that you wish to make your site seem older for SEO reasons. That would be against ICANN policies. However there is a meta tag that you can use to try to tell search engines how old your site is.

<meta name="creation_Date" content="04/29/2010"/>

Unfortunately for you, this is not used by many search engines (if any). If you want to see what meta tags that Google uses, you can see a list here

like image 153
davehale23 Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 03:12
