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python dns.resolver get DNS record type

I am learning how to use the python dns object. Quick question as I see many examples show methods of using the dns.resolver method with the DNS record type(CNAME, NS, etc). Is there a way to use this dns object to query a DNS name and pull it's resolution with the record type. Similar to what DIG supplies in the answer section.



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Jim Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 14:12


2 Answers

You can get the type with rdatatype

>>> import dns.resolver
>>> answer = dns.resolver.query('google.com')
>>> rdt = dns.rdatatype.to_text(answer.rdtype)
>>> print(rdt)
like image 131
Mike Barkas Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 05:12

Mike Barkas

Here's an example of a CNAME:

>>> cname = dns.resolver.query("mail.unixy.net", 'CNAME')
>>> for i in cname.response.answer:
...     for j in i.items:
...             print j.to_text()


>>> txt = dns.resolver.query("unixy.net", 'TXT')
>>> for i in txt.response.answer:
...     for j in i.items:
...             print j.to_text()
"v=spf1 ip4:..."


>>> ns = dns.resolver.query("unixy.net", 'NS')
>>> for i in ns.response.answer:
...     for j in i.items:
...             print j.to_text()

You can get most records following the same pattern. Multiple responses queries are stored in a list. So looping is sometimes necessary (ex:multiple A and NS recs).

like image 37
Joe H Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 04:12

Joe H