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NHibernate - Generate Domain from Database

I know its possible to generate the database tables from the domain model. But is there any way of doing things the other way. I have a totally awful database (worst I have ever seen). Its sharded (16 Shards!!), split across multiple postgres databases (all on the same server) with foreign key relations like urn:dbtable:guid.

Its proving a major pain in the ass to migrate using SSIS so I want to use NHibernate, read the data into objects and rewrite to a SQL Server database in blissful data-architectural harmony.

Is there any way to scan the current DB using NH or other and build a domain model and mappings?


like image 397
reach4thelasers Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 23:12


1 Answers

NHibernate Mapping Generator
- A simple utility to generate NHibernate mapping files and corresponding domain classes from existing DB tables

It's free.

like image 86
rebelliard Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 04:12
