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How to change the color scheme for html attributes in NetBeans?

I'm working on a TextMate like color scheme for NetBeans (twilight), I'm almost done, there's only one thing left: I can't set the html attributes highlighting.

alt text

As you can see normal attributes are okay, but the ID and CLASS attributes are highlighted with this ugly greenish color. How can I fix that?


Here's the link to the theme.

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Alex Avatar asked Oct 25 '10 08:10


2 Answers

id and class attributes are special, because they are used in css, so if you have stylesheet in your project with #wrong declaration, you can ctrl + click value of id/class attribute and you will be redirected to style declaration for this element.

To change it : Options -> Fonts & Colors -> Select your theme -> Syntax Tab -> Language: Cascading Style Sheet -> Category: Mark Occurrences

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dev-null-dweller Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 08:11


This answer on Netbeans forum fixed it for me. http://forums.netbeans.org/post-91949.html#91949

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Julien Henry Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

Julien Henry