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Background scanning of projects slows down Netbeans 7.2

I have the latest Java and JDK. I have a PHP project (CodeIgniter). When I open it in NetBeans 7.2 I can't get rid of "Background scanning of projects". What is this? How can I accelerate it? How can I disable it?

[current solution] This happens only once when you open a new project in NetBeans. Later "Background scanning of projets" works 10-15 seconds.

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Pave Avatar asked Aug 17 '12 10:08


2 Answers

I found a solution, however it has slight drawbacks. Use the Scan on Demand plugin. After restarting Netbeans, background scanning should be disabled by default. Use the Update Center installation method, and disable the repository after installation (otherwise you might end up installing unstable updates by mistake).

Drawback: Chances are that indexes are out of date which makes working with Netbeans a little bit less comfortable (as stated on the plugin page).

Scan On Demand - Download and installation instructions

Edit: The bug persists, however using the following makes the perfomance dip a lesser problem. Add this string to netbeans_default_options in your netbeans.conf:

-J-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -J-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -J-XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled

Works for me on a Win7, 64b machine, NB 7.2, JDK 1.703

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Mateng Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09


Go to the source folder and delete 'nbproject' folder. But this doesn't allow the project to be displayed in NetBeans anyways it is the best solution.

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Eyob Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09
