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How to change Eclipse window title?

How to change the title (last part of it) of a running Eclipse?

I am speaking about Eclipse distribution itself, not about my program written for Eclipse.

Currently I have the the following title:

enter image description here

1 this part is set in Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> Workspace name.

Other parts are autogenerated.

I want to change part 2 which is now Eclipse. I have several Eclipses installed and want to refer them here.


I found file plugin.xml inside ./plugins/org.eclipse.epp.package.standard_XXXXX and found it containing a setting


I changed this as I like but it didn't affect the title.


Also I found setting in plugin.properties


Unfortunately, changing this also didn't affect the title.

like image 348
Suzan Cioc Avatar asked Dec 28 '13 19:12

Suzan Cioc

3 Answers

You can't. Unless you are creating your own RCP app

The workbench window title is defined by the branding plugin. Eclipse defines the product and so you will have the "Eclipse" defined in its branding plugin, which will be displayed in the title bar.

like image 115
Prakash G. R. Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Prakash G. R.

This is not really an answer to your question and it might help you or not, but you can have workspace specific title (at the beginning), see


like image 27
Betlista Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09


The following worked for me in Eclipse Luna:

  1. Open the file Eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4.4.0.v20140925-0400\plugin.properties in a text editor. (The exact path will depend on the version.)

  2. Change the productName=Eclipse value to your desired title. Save the file.

  3. Start Eclipse once with the -clean argument.

like image 45
Boann Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
