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How to change caret (cursor) blinking rate in NetBeans?

How to change caret (cursor) blinking rate in NetBeans? (7.0)

NetBeans developers say that this is supported as a Swing option, see Bug 124211 - Cursor blink rate too fast but I can't figure out the name of this Swing option to set from the command line.

The closest example of setting Swing option that I found is setting look and feel by putting -J-Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel to the netbeans.conf.

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Sergey Avatar asked Jun 12 '11 19:06


1 Answers

I realize this is old, but it's quite high up in google search so I thought I'd add an updated solution. The solution above by Tushar Joshi does not work for me in Netbeans 7.1.1. What I had to do, was quite similar though:

Basically, the setting have moved to <userdir>\config\Editors\text\x-java\Preferences\org-netbeans-modules-editor-settings-CustomPreferences.xml.

The path for Unix/Linux is $HOME/.netbeans/<NetbeansVersion>/config/Editors/Preferences/org-netbeans-modules-editor-settings-CustomPreferences.xml.

Exit netbeans and modify the file by adding the entry

<entry javaType="java.lang.Integer" name="caret-blink-rate" xml:space="preserve">

The value is the number of milliseconds of blink rate. I added a whole second. I added it so it lined up alphabetically with the other name properties of the other entries, but I don't know if that's important or not. That's it:)

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David S. Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

David S.