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How to run Java .class file from another .class file? (java newb)

I've been running different individual Java .java files in the Netbeans IDE by right-clicking the .java files themselves in the Project Explorer of Netbeans (the portion normally at the upper left part of Netbeans).

However, i've been googling on how to make a class file run another class file using code, but to no avail.

I have a project named "loadanotherfile" with 2 files, namely: Loadanotherfile.java and otherfile.java

I'm trying to make Loadanotherfile.java run otherfile.java, but I'm not exactly sure how. I read about Classloaders and URLClassloaders however these methods don't seem suitable for my purpose of running another .java file.

Below is the code of the 2 files i mentioned.


package loadanotherfile;

public class Loadanotherfile {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!");
        // TODO code application logic here


package loadanotherfile;

public class otherfile {

    public static void main(String args[])
        System.out.println("This is the other file.");

I have a feeling that the task has something to do with using the "import" syntax (namely something like import loadanotherfile.* but even if my guess is correct, I'm still not sure on how to make my Loadanotherfile.java run otherfile.java using code.

How can I load otherfile.java using Loadanothefile.java?


like image 571
Last Man Standing Avatar asked Nov 01 '12 09:11

Last Man Standing

3 Answers

In Loadanotherfile.java

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Matt Clark Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Matt Clark

Compile the two together, and then from Loadanotherfile,


will do the trick. You don't need to import since you're in the same package. Note the linked tutorial.

I would investigate (however) class instantiation, and creating an instance of a new class to invoke upon. Invoking static methods from static methods isn't very OO.

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Brian Agnew Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10

Brian Agnew

Try This:


This works! ive tested it myself.

like image 31
user3343456 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10
