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Shortcut to create interface implementations in NetBeans

I'd like to have a shortcut to create an implementation of an interface. Example: right click on an interface file, choose "implement", insert class name. Is there something like this in NetBeans (6.8)?

like image 739
deamon Avatar asked Jan 07 '10 15:01


People also ask

Can an interface be implemented?

implements denotes defining an implementation for the methods of an interface. However interfaces have no implementation so that's not possible. However, interface is an 100% abstract class, and an abstract class can implement interfaces (100% abstract class) without implement its methods.

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Displaying Javadoc The Javadoc for this element is displayed in a popup window. From the menu bar, select Window > IDE Tools > Javadoc Documentation to open the Javadoc window, in which the documentation is refreshed automatically for the location of your cursor.

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1 Answers

Use Alt + Enter and you will see the menu for implement all methods

like image 155
Abhijit Vyas Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11

Abhijit Vyas