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How to center a paragraph of text on a particular word in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript?


I have a passage that is centered on the page, like this:

|                         |
| Once upon a time, there |
|   lived a squirrel who  |
|  lived in the middle of |
|       the forest.       |

I need to adjust the centering such that a specifically marked word is horizontally centered on the page. In this example, the word "who" is centered:

|                         |
|        Once upon        |
|  a time, there lived a  |
|  squirrel who lived in  |
|    the middle of the    |
|         forest.         |
  • The word who is marked in the HTML with a <div> tag, i.e. <center>Once upon a time, there lived a squirrel <div style="centered">who</div> lived in the middle of the forest.</center>.
  • The HTML appears in an application in which I have little control over editing the HTML itself (the text is already marked with CSS style tags), but can modify the style sheet or add code, such as JavaScript to the header to modify how that style is rendered.

How can I center a passage on a particular word in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript?

like image 806
Village Avatar asked Feb 02 '14 02:02


People also ask

How do I center a specific paragraph in HTML?

HTML <center> Tag.

How do you center text in a paragraph in CSS?

To just center the text inside an element, use text-align: center; This text is centered.

How do you center text in HTML in Word?

Conclusion. In order to center text in HTML either use the <center> tag or the style attribute. If you are using the <center> tag then simply place your text inside this tag and it will be centered, meanwhile, set the text-align property of the style attribute to center to center a text using the style attribute.

How do you center a paragraph in JavaScript?

To center text in JavaScript, do this: element. style. textAlign = 'center' .

1 Answers

[EDIT] Added fiddle. Cleaned up some code. Updated snippet below. Added comments.


[ORIGINAL] I don't believe that this is possible with css. However, I figured a solution could be possible with JavaScript. So, I tried it, and it worked! While this might not be the ultimate solution, consider the following:

<div class="jsCenterOnPhrase">

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the <div class="jsCenteredPhrase">lazy dog.</div>
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


Then break it down and rebuild it, perhaps like this:

jQuery(function ($) {

var $divParents = $('.jsCenterOnPhrase'); // all instances
var sMarker = '##'; // marker for phrase position

// for each instance
$divParents.each(function () {

    // closures
    var $parent = $(this);
    var $phrase = $parent.find('div.jsCenteredPhrase');

    // if there is only one phrase
    if ($phrase.size() == 1) {

        // more closures
        var iParentWidth = $parent.innerWidth();
        var sPhrase = $phrase.text();
        var iPhraseWidth = $phrase.outerWidth();
        var sFullText = $parent.text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
        // add html structure to container
            '<span class="jsLeftWrap"></span>' +
            '<span class="jsCenterWrap">' +
            '<span class="jsCenterPrefix"></span>' +
            '<span class="jsCenterPhrase"></span>' +
            '<span class="jsCenterSuffix"></span>' +
            '</span>' +
            '<span class="jsRightWrap"></span>');
        // more closures
        var $LeftWrap = $parent.find('.jsLeftWrap');
        var $CenterWrap = $parent.find('.jsCenterWrap');
        var $CenterPrefix = $parent.find('.jsCenterPrefix');
        var $CenterPhrase = $parent.find('.jsCenterPhrase');
        var $CenterSuffix = $parent.find('.jsCenterSuffix');
        var $RightWrap = $parent.find('.jsRightWrap');

        // get all the words left and right into arrays
        var iLeftStart = 0;
        var iLeftEnd = sFullText.indexOf(sMarker);
        var iRightStart = iLeftEnd + sMarker.length;
        var iRightEnd = sFullText.length - 1;
        var sFullLeft = sFullText.substring(iLeftStart, iLeftEnd);
        var sFullRight = sFullText.substring(iRightStart, iRightEnd);
        var aFullLeft = sFullLeft.split(' ');
        var aFullRight = sFullRight.split(' ');

        // build out each word as a node
        for (var i = 0; i < aFullLeft.length; i++) {
            var sVal = aFullLeft[i];
            if (sVal != '') {
                $('<span> ' + sVal + ' </span>').appendTo($LeftWrap);
        for (var i = 0; i < aFullRight.length; i++) {
            var sVal = aFullRight[i];
            if (sVal != '') {
                $('<span> ' + sVal + ' </span>').appendTo($RightWrap);

        // reset text as full html words
        sFullLeft = $LeftWrap.html();
        sFullRight = $RightWrap.html();

        var fResize = function () {
            // reset closures for dynamic sizing
            $CenterPrefix.html('').css('padding-left', 0);
            $CenterPhrase.html('&nbsp;' + sPhrase + '&nbsp;');
            $CenterSuffix.html('').css('padding-right', 0);
            iParentWidth = $parent.innerWidth();

            // private variables
            var $leftWords = $LeftWrap.find('span');
            var $rightWords = $RightWrap.find('span');
            var iMaxWidthRemaining = (iParentWidth - $CenterPhrase.outerWidth());
            var iMaxSideWidth = Math.floor(iMaxWidthRemaining / 2);
            var iLeftRemaining = iMaxSideWidth;
            var iRightRemaining = iMaxSideWidth;
            var iCurrentWidth = iPhraseWidth;
            var iLeftIndex = $leftWords.size() - 1; // work backwards
            var iRightIndex = 0; // work forwards
            var iKerningTollerance = 2; // wraps too much sometimes

            // loop trackers
            var bKeepGoing = true;
            var bKeepGoingRight = true;
            var bKeepGoingLeft = true;

            // loop while there is still room for the next word
            while (bKeepGoing) {

                // check the left side
                if (bKeepGoingLeft) {
                    // get the next left word
                    var $nextLeft = $leftWords.eq(iLeftIndex);
                    var iLeftWordWidth = $nextLeft.outerWidth();
                    if (iLeftWordWidth < iLeftRemaining) {
                        // there's enough room.  add it.
                        iLeftRemaining = iMaxSideWidth - $CenterPrefix.outerWidth();
                    } else {
                        // not enough room.  add remaining room as padding
                        bKeepGoingLeft = false;
                        $CenterPrefix.css('padding-left', (iLeftRemaining - iKerningTollerance));
                        iLeftRemaining = 0;

                // check the right side
                if (bKeepGoingRight) {
                    // get the next right word
                    var $nextRight = $rightWords.eq(iRightIndex);
                    var iRightWordWidth = $nextRight.outerWidth();
                    if (iRightWordWidth < iRightRemaining) {
                        // there's enough room.  add it.
                        iRightRemaining = iMaxSideWidth - $CenterSuffix.outerWidth();
                    } else {
                        // not enough room.  add remaining room as padding
                        bKeepGoingRight = false;
                        $CenterSuffix.css('padding-right', (iRightRemaining - iKerningTollerance));
                        iRightRemaining = 0;

                // is there room left on either side?
                bKeepGoing = bKeepGoingLeft || bKeepGoingRight;

            // calculate where to put the breaks.
            var iTempWidth = iParentWidth;
            while (iLeftIndex > 0) {
                var $word = $leftWords.eq(iLeftIndex);
                iTempWidth = iTempWidth - $word.outerWidth();
                // account for kerning inconsistencies
                if (iTempWidth <= (2 * iKerningTollerance)) {
                    $('<br />').insertAfter($word);
                    iTempWidth = iParentWidth;
                } else {


        // initial state




like image 142
Levi Beckman Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Levi Beckman