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Ruby on Rails: before_save fields to lowercase


I'm trying to change the fields from the form to lower case before they get saved in the database. This is my code but the output from the database is still in upper case why isnt the code working?

class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
   validates :name, presence: true
   validates :amount, presence: true, numericality: true
   before_save :downcase_fields

   def downcase_fields
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user3673826 Avatar asked May 25 '14 14:05


People also ask

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Ruby has a few methods for changing the case of strings. To convert to lowercase, use downcase : "hello James!". downcase #=> "hello james!"

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3 Answers

downcase returns a copy of the string, doesn't modify the string itself. Use downcase! instead:

def downcase_fields

See documentation for more details.

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Gergo Erdosi Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Gergo Erdosi

You're not setting name to downcase by running self.name.downcase, because #downcase does not modify the string, it returns it. You should use the bang downcase method


However, there's another way I like to do it in the model:

before_save { name.downcase! }
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Vinicius Brasil Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Vinicius Brasil

String#downcase does not mutate the string, it simply returns a modified copy of that string. As others said, you could use the downcase! method.

def downcase_fields

However, if you wanted to stick with the downcase method, then you could do the following:

def downcase_fields
  self.name = name.downcase

This reassigns the name instance variable to the result of calling downcase on the original value of name.

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hjing Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
