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How to call an indexer on a C# class from PowerShell?




I'm having trouble figuring out how to get Powershell to call an indexer on my class. The class looks something like this (vastly simplified):

public interface IIntCounters
    int this[string counterName] { get; set; }

public class MyClass : IIntCounters
    public IIntCounters Counters { get { return this; } }

    int IIntCounters.this[string counterName]
        { get { ...return something... } }

If I new up this class I can't just use the bracket operator on it - I get an "unable to index" error. I also tried using get_item(), which is what Reflector shows me the indexer ultimately becomes in the assembly, but that gets me a "doesn't contain a method named get_item" error.

UPDATE: this appears specific to my use of explicit interfaces. So my new question is: is there a way to get Powershell to see the indexer without switching away from explicit interfaces? (I really don't want to modify this assembly if possible.)

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scobi Avatar asked Nov 10 '10 22:11


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Indexers allow instances of a class or struct to be indexed just like arrays. The indexed value can be set or retrieved without explicitly specifying a type or instance member. Indexers resemble properties except that their accessors take parameters.

What is the use of indexers in C#?

Indexers are a syntactic convenience that enable you to create a class, struct, or interface that client applications can access as an array. The compiler will generate an Item property (or an alternatively named property if IndexerNameAttribute is present), and the appropriate accessor methods.

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You can't make a Static Indexer in C#… The CLR can, but you can't with C#. You can't even trick the compiler with VB.NET.

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“this” keyword is always used to declare an indexer. To define the value being assigned by the set indexer, ” value” keyword is used. Indexers are also known as the Smart Arrays or Parameterized Property in C#.

2 Answers

This works for me (uses reflection):

$obj = new-object MyClass
$p = [IIntCounters].GetProperty("Item")
$p.GetValue($obj, @("counterName"))
like image 100
dvdvorle Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10


I haven't tried this, but it seems like it should work:

$obj = new-object MyClass
$counters = [IIntCounters]$obj

(OK, I played around a little and I no longer think this is likely to work, but it still may be worth a try.)

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OldFart Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10
