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How to call a user defined Matlab from Java using matlabcontrol.jar

I am trying to call a user defined Matlab Function(M file) which takes 3 arguments(Java Strings) from my Java application which is developed in Eclipse. At the moment I am able to call proxy.eval and proxy.feval methods with the functions/commands like disp or sqr. But when i try to invoke a user-defined function it says on the matlab console that there is no such function defined like that and on the Java console MatlabInvocationException occurs.

Then I tried with a simple user-defined function which takes no arguments and just has single line disp('Hello') but still the result is same. So I think rather than a type conversion problem there is something wrong with how user-defined functions are getting invoked.

Please can anyone help me soon? I am meeting the deadline very soon for this project. I would be so thankful if someone can come up with a solution. (Mr Joshuwa Kaplan, is there any guide on solving an issue like this in your posts? I tried but found nothing)

Thanks in advance

like image 618
Kasun Jayasinghe Avatar asked Aug 27 '11 04:08

Kasun Jayasinghe

1 Answers

You must have any user-defined m-files on the MATLAB search path, just as if you were working normally inside MATLAB.

I tested with the following example:


function myfunc()
    disp('hello from MYFUNC')


import matlabcontrol.*;

public class HelloWorld
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws MatlabConnectionException, MatlabInvocationException
         // create proxy
         MatlabProxyFactoryOptions options =
            new MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder()
        MatlabProxyFactory factory = new MatlabProxyFactory(options);
        MatlabProxy proxy = factory.getProxy();

        // call builtin function
        proxy.eval("disp('hello world')");

        // call user-defined function (must be on the path)

        // close connection

We compile and run the Java program:

javac -cp matlabcontrol-4.0.0.jar HelloWorld.java
java -cp ".;matlabcontrol-4.0.0.jar" HelloWorld

a MATLAB session will open up, and display the output:

hello world
hello from MYFUNC

You could also add your folder to the path once, then persist it using SAVEPATH. That way you won't have to do it each time.

like image 174
Amro Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 17:10
